I've Got A Secret, Please Don't Repeat It

chapter two'

Rebecca kept in touch with Rafa as often as she could, texting and calling him throughout the week. Just hearing his stories of winning titles, made her feel like had accomplished something big. Her boss on the other hand, didn’t appreciate Rebecca keeping in touch with her former clientele, and he made her aware of this.

The abuse from her boss started when she returned from working with Rafa. Rebecca was terrified when her boss, Kevin, called her into his office. The other girls told her, “Don’t worry; he’s just giving you a new celebrity!” Reassurance fell over Rebecca, little did she know, that would be replaced with slaps across the face, bruises and punches to the gut.

Rebecca had had enough. She threatened to report Kevin to the police, he countered with threatening to fire her. He decided that Rebecca would be the perfect “girl at the office.” Rebecca couldn’t believe this, why would any one want her, she didn’t feel overly pretty. But boy was she under-rating herself. She stood at 5’9, beautiful brown eyes and wavy brown locks. The perfect combination for a lusty Kevin.

The physical abuse turned into sexual abuse, kissing turned into groping and groping turned into rape. Rebecca lasted one and half years, with no one in the office ever knowing what was happening. The only person that knew was Rafa, but he was always too far away to be her knight in shining armour. Rebecca continued getting celebrity athletes, but her placements would be for the most at 2 weeks, because Kevin didn’t want his ‘little girl’ away for too long.

Rebecca finally had had enough. She gathered her office stuff into several cardboard boxes, the confused looks from her colleagues didn’t faze her. She strutted to Kevin’s office with all the confidence she could muster and did the one thing she wishes she didn’t have to do.

She quit.
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"We think we've all had enough. We’ve had enough of this now."
~ The Maine