I've Got A Secret, Please Don't Repeat It

chapter five'

During the time Rebecca made her way back to her apartment, Luis was making several phone calls to FIFA, to add a last minute player to his roster. A certain female player.

Rebecca was unusually eager to be back in her apartment, wanting to have a long phone conversation with her best friend. She slowly made her way up the stairs, wishing there was an elevator, because the soccer practice was finally catching up with her.

Rebecca unlocked her apartment door, sluggishly walked to her couch, and flopped down, letting the couch mould to her curves. She saw the familiar blinking light from her answering machine, praying that it was Rafa.

God answered her prayers.

“Hey Rebecca, I didn’t hear from you at all today. Are you okay? I don’t think this has ever happened? Please call me back as soon as you get this!”

Rebecca could hear the concern in Rafa’s voice, smiling. She now had her two best friends back, and she was planning on keeping both of them very close.

Rebecca picked up her phone, typed in a number that had become habitual. Rebecca slowly became more and more impatient as the ringing went on.

“Hello?” a lazy Rafa answered.

Finally!” Rebecca sighed.

“Hey Bec, took you long enough to call.”

Rebeca could hear the smile in his voice, “Boy, do I have a lot to tell you.”

Their phone conversation went on for almost two hours, Rafa made sure that Rebecca didn’t leave out anything. Rebecca did the same for Rafa, knowing he was at the first grass tournament since winning his fourth Roland Garros.

“So, I have to ask you this. Did you meet Fernando Torres?” Rafa finally asked.

“Don’t even get me started,” Rebecca growled.

Rafa just laughed, “I’ll save that for another time.”

Rebecca smiled, Rafa knew her like the back of his hand. She heard the beep from her phone, signalling she had a text, most likely from Sergio.

“I have to go; I’m going out clubbing tonight,” Rebecca sighed.

Rafa stared at his phone quizzically. “You are going clubbing? The girl that hasn’t gone out in almost two years?”

Rebecca sighed again, “Sergio is making me and I couldn’t let Fernando win.”

Rafa knew Rebecca couldn’t let someone beat her, even when it wasn’t a competition. “Have fun and don’t forget to call me tomorrow and tell me how it was.”

“Bye Rafa.”

Rebecca checked her phone and low and behold there was a text from Sergio.

Hey. We’re going to a club called ¡Prepárese, el conjunto, va!
I’ll pick you up around 9:30.
Dress sexy!

Rebecca laughed at his text. Now it might sound like Sergio and Rebecca were a couple, but they were far from it.

Then Rebecca sighed, wondering if she had anything that would make she look sexy.

Rebecca looked through her closet for close to an hour, almost ready to give up and text Sergio she wasn’t coming. Until she saw something that caught her eye, a silver baby doll dress that one of her former co-workers forced to her buy. She grabbed a pair of silver pumps and her favourite purple handbag to go with it.

When her outfit was complete, she turned to the mirror, sighing in the process. This will have to do. She walked to her bathroom, curling her already wavy hair and put on smoky grey make-up. She was almost finished when she heard a grumble. A grumble that signalled she needed something to eat.

Rebecca made herself a quick supper. Before she knew it, she heard the buzzer, indicating that Sergio was here.

Rebecca made her way down the stairs, to see her best friend, who looked good, really good. Rebecca smiled as she hugged her friend, whispering in his ear, “You clean up good.”

Sergio chuckled, releasing his friend and twirling her in a circle to see how she looked. “I have to say the same.”

Rebecca smiled at his response, looking over Sergio’s shoulder to see someone she didn’t want to see tonight. “Rammy…what is he doing here?” Emphasizing on the he.

“Bec…he’s part of the team. And we always go out together,” Sergio said, noticing Rebecca's hostilities towards Fernando.

Rebecca rolled her eyes, walking with Sergio and Fernando to the taxi they would be sharing. Sergio could feel the tension in the air between the two, during the taxi ride to the club.

They worked their way through the club to the VIP section to connect with the rest of the team. Rebecca looked around the club nervously, not being confident in this atmosphere. David Villa’s lusty stare didn’t help her at all. She sat next to Iker, making sure she was as far away from Villa as possible.

Rebecca had a few drinks that loosened her up at bit, feeling like her old self once again. She heard someone cough, turning to Iker who nodded towards the dance floor. Rebecca laughed at his childish behaviour.

“I would love to dance Iker.”

As Rebecca stood up and grabbed Iker’s hand, she thought she saw jealousy flash through Fernando’s eyes. But she quickly brushed this off, knowing Fernando would never be interested in her.

Rebecca and Iker danced for a couple songs, moving together, his hands delicately placed on her hips. As the song ended, Iker quietly whispered in her ear, “I’m going to get a drink, I’ll be right back.”

Rebecca’s nervousness immediately came back, as she was surrounded by the mass of people. She felt like she was having an anxiety attack, until she felt a pair of arms work their way around her waist. Turning, she saw David Villa, forcing a smile onto her face. The first song went fine, David’s hands stayed on Rebecca’s hips. By the end of the second song, they started wandering, making Rebecca feel extremely uncomfortable. Flashes of her past went through Rebecca’s head, feeling the tears brimming at the corners of her eyes.

She pushed her way through the crowd towards the exit, wanting to get as far away as possible from David. She turned around; making sure no one from the team would notice she was gone. She looked up to the VIP section, only to see Fernando’s brown eyes staring right back at her. The two just stared at each other, both knowing that Fernando witnessed what had just happened.

Rebecca was the one to tear her eyes away, running from the club out onto the streets. Hailing a taxi, she mumbled her address and she quietly cried to herself. By the time she got home she had several voice mails and text messages from Sergio, frantically wanting to know where she was. She replied with a simple message: I’m at home, don’t worry about me.

For the next couple days, Rebecca’s life became routine. Sleep. Eat. Work. Eat. Practice. Sleep. No one was aware of what happened that night at the club, Rebecca became quiet, David stayed the same and Fernando, Fernando stole glances at Rebecca every once and awhile, wanting to know why she was so traumatized that night.
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"I've got friends in highly low places. Why do I put myself in these situations?"
~ Forever the Sickest Kids

this is in honour of Rafael Nadal winning his first Wimbledon this evening;
a second victory for Spain !