Is Insanity the New Sanity?

Chapter Three

My mother always said that everyone has their own form of mentally illness. My father and his lying. My mother and her paranoia. My brother and always losing things. Me and my...she never could find anything to say. Because my form was more severe. I saw dead people and that just isn't normal. My mother had went in for evaluation when she was only fifteen. No teenager feared so many things. When her siblings went out and would stay gone entirely too long, she'd worry more than her parents. So they gave her medicine. She was diagnosed, but not put in a home. So here's the I truly mentally ill, does it run in the family, or are these people I see, a sixth sense.

"Aaaanyaaa." I turned over on the small cot. The voice repeated. I looked up and there stood a woman or what used to be. She wore a dirty white gown. Holes big and small covered her body. A golden glow surrounded her grotesque body. I covered my head in a pillow. When these sightings first occurred two years ago, I would talk to them, be scared, be brave, acknowledge them at least. But now, I was in way too much stress to even fret over this ghost. It continued cooing my name. I ignored it and it finally stopped. Dolly's humming however, didn't. She continued with that same, wretched tune. If I weren't insane coming in here, I definitely would be coming out. The humming continued. My mind heard it getting louder, but it wasn't. I swung my long skinny legs over the cot and tumbled down. Dolly's humming lowered, or so my ears informed me.

"Why hello my little escapee!" I lept back as Claire gave me that devilish grin. My heart was thumping like a race horse. "Where you off to? See another...ghost?" She put emphasis on ghost.

"Yeah, I really can not tolerate Dolly's humming." I walked on.

"Dolly's last roommate killed herself. Now, everything is proofed. We're not even allowed to be out right now." I stopped.

"Really, well I should be getting back to my room then." I walked the opposite direction. Claire took hold to my arm. Her long purple finger nails dug into my scrawny arm. She put her face lose to mine again.

"Come on doll, what's better than breaking the rules. That sweet rush of adrenaline. Knowing that what feels so wrong..." Her voice was a yell now. "Can feel so right." Her voice lowered. The grasp on my arm had turned to a full fledged bear hug. I took a deep breath and nodded. I was never a kid who broke the rules. I did want I felt, but I always felt like being safe. Another thing my mother had installed in me. She led through the dim-lit building like it was as bright as the fourth of July. I, on the other hand, had no idea where I was going.

"Where are we going?" I whispered. Claire stopped, I tripped over her heel. She growled low and continued. She opened a door and more light came in. It was a lemon color at the bottom of the steep, long, narrow staircase. Claire never let go off my hand, despite me tripping on every other step.

"This is the basement. Well, second basement. I've been coming down here since I was admitted. They never use it." Claire had papers strewn all over the floor and walls. She quickly gathered the papers on the floor and put them in a trunk. The paper had a tan color, like when you strip the top layer of a cardboard box. I examined the drawings on the wall. They were very good. She had a true talent. But, the graphics! Some pictures were portraits, while others were people being sliced in half. People getting their brains blew out. Claire was truly a troubled child.