Is Insanity the New Sanity?

Chapter Four

"Wow Claire, you draw really good." I drew my hand out to feel the picture.

"Don't touch it. Don't even look at them." I took a step back. "It's my family. Images of me killing them in different ways." Now, I was afraid being here with her by myself. I sat down on the floor and stared at my long, bony fingers. The rings I usually wear had fell off somewhere between me being home and arriving here. "Talk, you're making me nervous."

"Sorry, I'm not accustomed to staying up so late." I lied which probably shouldn't become a habit.

"Staying up late! Sweetie, it's only two in the morning! What are you talking about?"

"I usually get to bed at nine." My days were so exhausting at home. School, basketball practice, work, I was pooped by the end of the day.

"Lame! You have got to get a life. A teenager life." I yawned and stood up.

"Sorry Claire, I'm about to crash." She stared at me. I didn't know what to expect. She tell me good night or kill me.

"Okay kiddo. Sleep tight. Don't let the lunatics bite." I ran to my room. It was pitch dark and took me much longer to get there. "What happened to ya?" I jumped.

"Claire, is that you?" I squinted my eyes.

"Sure isn't Dolly." I crawled under my covers and tried to stay up. I dozed off.
"You are such a kid! You didn't even stay up till three!" I opened my eyes at Claire who was inches from my face.

"Yeah, I'm used to that." I sat up as she took a seat on the floor.

"So, I'm thinking you need to make enemies with the retards here." Enemies?

"Enemies?" I asked her. Claire gave that devilish grin and stood up. She pulled me up with her.

"Hey you crazy bitch! Bring your ass over here!" Claire yelled to the girl who did the chanting. I couldn't remember her name. She looked up at Claire and her eyes got fear in them. Claire whispered something in the girls ear. She looked up at me and stared. I took a few steps back. Pretty much guessing what her next move would be. She charged toward me. I ran the opposite direction. Luckily, all my years of playing basketball helped. "You run really fast. Are you a track star? Is there African in your blood?" Claire had appeared in my face. I turned around and looked for the crazy bitch.

"Uh, I play basketball. No, not track, no African that I know of." Claire pointed to the ground. I looked down. There was nothing. Her finger went up and the crazy bitch was at the end of the hallway.

"Don't run."

"Don't run? She's going to kill me." I tried to make an escape but Claire took ahold to my arm. Crazy bitch closed in on me and Claire laughed a maniacal laugh.