Girl Meets Girl

Katrina, a proud nerd and devoted fan of the Naruto anime and manga, has just found out she is bisexual. She longs for someone to love, because her only friend is her computer, but is convinced she will die alone. But this changes one day, when a wacky lesbian, Samantha, saves her from a pack of thugs and asks her out. The unlikely pair faces many situations, from the exciting to the depressing. However, Katrina, a worrier by nature, suspects Samantha doesn't truly love her deep down, believing she's too ugly and nerdy for someone as pretty and wonderful as Samantha. Soon, Samantha's dark past bubbles up, and it seems to be tearing the two apart...
  1. Chapter 1: Poor, Poor Pitiful Me
    Katrina introduces herself to the reader. She is at the library. She is almost ready to leave...
  2. Chapter 2: Saved by a Nut
    Samantha saves Katrina from the thugs and asks her out on the spot. Katrina is amazed but suspicious.