Memories That Fade Like Photographs

Memories That Fade Like Photographs

I woke up on the floor this morning, the bedroom door was open showing signs of a forced entrance and my head hurt like a bitch.

Sad thing is, I cant remember what the fuck happened.
But as noon rolls around, I was able to gather this much information.
-Kevin and I got into a fight
-He practically broke the door
-There was a lot of yelling
-Kevin left and has yet to return
-I collapsed on the floor in tears and ended up crying myself to sleep next to the bed, not on it

So imagine my surprise when I woke up to an empty house, the door locked from the
outside and Kevin's jacket missing.

Yea, not really surprising now in days.

Stirring my Mac & Cheese, I began to think, trying not to worry about Kevin.

Sure, he hasnt come home since last night but he's big boy, he can take care of himself

Setting my bowl to the side, I continued flicking through the channels on the TV.

Television was shit these days, a complete waist of money.

The phone sounded through the apartment. Sighing, I lazily got up from the couch, grabbing the cordless phone all while throwing my bowl into the sink.

Fuck, I need to do the dishes

"Alex's Whore house, what's your pleasure?" I answered the phone unenthused, lathering a plate with soap before rinsing it off

The person on the other line snorted

"Well when I get lonely I'll give you another call"

"What do you want Nic?"

"Kevin came to me in tears last night, slurring something about you hating him and being the cause for your misery and that your relationship has gone to shit." Nic informed me, sighing.

I could almost imagine him running a hand through his hair while staring down at a sleeping Kevin

"He was drunk again?" Disappointment made its way to my voice

"Obviously, he's gonna be paying for it when I wake him up"

"But he's OK, right?"

"Yea bu-" I pushed the 'OFF' button before placing the phone aside

That was all the answer I needed

If Kevin didnt care neither did I

I should mean more
♠ ♠ ♠
I did it