Memories That Fade Like Photographs

Memories That Fade Like Photographs

The front door opened to reveal Zack

"What the fuck Alex? Its like 7:30!" He complained

I looked up from my shoes revealing my tear stained cheeks

His eyes widened

"Shit" He said, taking me into his arms, letting me cry into his shoulder

Zack was always good at comforting me, it was some kinda power he possessed over me, like he could control and calm me. That’s why I came to him

Zack was always the hyper, crazy one of the band but when you needed him he was always there and a good listener. He was a great friend

Zack dragged me inside, sitting me on the couch, my head still buried into his shoulder.

God only knows how long I've been crying until he finally pushed me away

It was such a pity I had to come to by best friend in tears because I got into a fight with my boyfriend

I feel like such a girl

"Shhh, come on Alex. Your stronger then this. Tell me what happened" Zach coos softly, stroking my hair

He reminds me of a mother, they were always running their fingers through their kids hair to calm them down. Or at least my mom did

Stubbornly, I shook my head

I wasn’t ready to talk

I was scared to talk incase my mouth deceived me and let true emotion slip

I was caught between two places

Right now, all I wanted to do was scream, rip out my hair and throw a tantrum. It would make me feel so much better.

But then again, there's nothing I wanna do more right now then curl into a ball on Zack's couch and cry myself to sleep.

I don’t know what to do but I knew one thing

Me and Kevin were at the breaking point, and if not we are just thoroughly through.

But I don’t want that

I cant handle that

I want my Kevin

I want to feel his arms around me, comforting me in anyway possible. To have him whisper sweet nothings into my ear.

But I cant. And if I did go home, he wouldn’t. Kevin probably wouldn’t be there

Maybe he just doesn’t really care at all

I miss him already