Memories That Fade Like Photographs

Memories That Fade LIke Photographs

"No Kevin! He doesn’t want to see you! Just go home"

"I'm not leaving until I see him, Zack. I have to talk to him. What do you not understand about that!"

"I understand that you want to talk to him Kevin. But he is fucking devastated. He couldn’t even tell me what happened because he was to busy choking on sobs. All I know is that it is your fault and I'll be damned if you wake him up just to set him off again! I cant handle seeing him cry over you anymore you ungrateful prick!"

Was what I woke up to

Glancing at the clock I found it to be fourteen minutes after 11

Wow, crying makes you tired apparently. I usually wake up at like…well I don’t even remember right now.

At least my hang over is gone

"Wait! Kevin! No!"

Shit! I forgot Kevin was here

Hide me

"Kevin! Your going to wake him-Oh hey Alex"

Zack said, pushing Kevin aside who opened the door just in time to see me sitting up in bed

How I ended up on a bed was a mystery to me

Zack kneels in front of the bed, moving a piece of hair from my face

"How you feel, Alex" He asked gentle, completely ignoring my idiot boyfriend
who took a step closer

I smiled some "Better now"

Zack smirked

Someone sighed

"...Alex" Came Kevin's raspy voice

I think he's been crying

Looking up my accusation was confirmed, he had bags under his eyes which were red and puffy along with his tear stained cheeks. I knew him better then anything. If I had to guess he came here after hours of tossing in an empty bed and this was a brash decision.

Then again, that was when I knew him.

Oh how I just wanted to hold him right then and there

I wanted everything to be OK

To just hold him, to tell him everything really was OK and that I forgive him

But I cant do that

I wouldn’t lie to him like that

I had to be strong

I bit my lip, "Leave Kevin"

Whispering those words almost killed me

"But Alex!" he said almost frantically which I just shook my head to, pointing a shaky finger towards the door

"Out. Now."

And with those to words, Kevin hung his head low and walked through the door

I did it

I stood strong

I stood for what I believe is right

But my lord I feel like my stomach was about to explode

I want my Kevin

And that was my Kevin

But if I went home with him, he wouldn’t be that Kevin for long

The Kevin that enjoys spending time with me

The Kevin that found me

The Kevin that offered me his home

The Kevin that loves me

The Kevin I fell in love with

The Kevin I want to be with

The Kevin he will never be again?

We're fighting with the ones we love