Blind Love

Music in the Night

The smell of freshly cut roses wavered throughout the air as Raoul de Chaney and Madame Rosalie made their way hastily towards the room of the opera diva, La Carlotta. "Raoul must we really go and see the woman, she is absolutely abominable" the bell like of Rosalie de Chaney says as she follows her elder brother up a flight of stairs, "My dear you must not say such things in front of Carlotta" Raoul says in his thick French accent. Rosalie lets go of Raoul's hand but he quickly reclaims her hand in his, "Come now, we do not want you to hurt yourself or worse, get lost" he whispers to his sister as he knocks on Carlotta's door.

"Enter" a female voice screeches from inside the room, Raoul reaches for the doorknob but before he opens it he whispers to Rosalie "Remember patience is a virtue". "Ah my diva, La Carlotta. What a pleasure to see that you are in comfort, and what a beauty I must say you are" Raoul says as he enters the room of La Carlotta, the devil diva. "Greetings Viscount de Chaney" Carlotta says as she does a slight bow, Raoul reaches for Carlotta's hand and kisses it ever so slightly.

"Oh what a gentleman" coos Carlotta as stares at Raoul, "Who is this young lady that is accompanying you Viscount? I hear that you are not engaged and surly if you were someone of this standard would be too far below you" Carlotta says as she gazes at Rosalie, the disgust in her voice clear. "Excuse you?" Rosalie asks as she pushes forward the sliver cane in her hand and gently pushes Carlotta in the stomach, "Why you little" before Carlotta can strike Rosalie Raoul grabs her hand in mid air. "Carlotta I have never hit a woman before in my life but I swear on my mother's life that if you so much as lay a finger on my sister then I will have you cleaning the floor of the stables" Raoul says as he slowly let goes of her hand.

Carlotta stares at Raoul and Rosalie, her mouth open in shock as Raoul places his hand around Rosalie's waist. "This La Carlotta is Madame Rosalie de Chaney, my younger sister. Now she may be blind but she is not stupid, so I suggest that you think before you speak" Raoul says coldly as he bids goodbye to Carlotta and exits the room, as they leave the building is struck by a ear piercing scream; Le screeching diva.

"Come Rose we must go and see Christine, for I am taking her to dinner tonight" Raoul says softly as he leads Rosalie towards Christine's room, "Oh Raoul that is wonderful. I hope you do not mind but while you are with Christine Madame Giry said that I may use their grand piano, or at least until you return" Rosalie says as she runs her cane against the wall. "Rose I am not so sure about that, there have been some strange things going on in this opera house" Raoul replies as they reach Christine's room, "Raoul please let me stay, I will be no trouble and I will stay out of the way of the stage crew" Rosalie begs. "If you must, but make sure that someone is always near" he says as he knocks on Christine's door, "Thank you dear brother" Rosalie replies as Christine calls for them to enter.

"Goodbye Raoul, goodbye little lotte" Rosalie says as she watches Raoul and Christine leave in their carriage, Madame Giry by her side as Raoul had instructed. "Thank you once again Madame for allowing me to use the piano, I would die of boredom if Raoul locked me in my room" Rosalie mutters as Madame Giry leads her inside, "Of course I was happy to oblige, after all your brother always speaks to highly of your musical talent" Madame Giry says as she watches Rosalie take a seat in front of the piano. "Now Miss Rosalie try not to wander around here, there are many dangers" Madame Giry warns, "I'll try" Rosalie replies with a small laugh.

Madame Giry watched on as Rosalie stroked the keys of the piano, she would be safe. That phantom would not harm her, for even he had a heart, no matter how hard he tried to prove otherwise.

Soft music radiated throughout the opera house as Rosalie played the piano, although she could not see the loss of her sight had heightened all her other senses. Suddenly she stopped, a noise came from her left as she turned. "Who is there?" she asks her voice strong and powerful. "I know someone is there and if you do not announce yourself I will scream" Rosalie threatens, "Ma petite do not scream, I mean you no harm" a soothing voice says. "Who are you?" Rosalie asks as she reaches for her cane, only to find that it is not there.

"If you do not mind I would appreciate it if you would return my cane" she says as crosses her arms under her bust, "Why would you need such a tool, a young lady such as yourself should have no need for a weapon" the voice says. "It is not a weapon, it is my eyes" Rosalie replies with a slight hint of anger in her voice, "Your eyes?" the voice asks curiously. "If you had not noticed by now sir, I am blind. I need my cane me navigate around so that I do not hurt myself, now if you would be so kind as to return it" she says as she holds out her hand, "If you are blind the how do you play so well?" the voice asks as he places the cane in her hand.

"Thank you, now before I answer your question would you please be as kind as to answer mine?" Rosalie asks as she slowly waves her cane out in front of her to try and find the owner of the voice, "Very well ma petite what is your question?" the voice asks as her can collides with his leg. "Who are you?" she asks as she stands and makes her way towards the voice. "My name is Erik, and yours?" he asks as Rosalie runs her hand along his arm, "I am Rosalie" she replies as she continues to run her hands along his body.

"What are you doing?" he asks in a slightly angered voice, no one had touched him like this before. "Seeing what you look like" she replies, "What?" he asks confused. "I can see you with my hands, well kind of. You see by your eyes, I see by my hands, I can feel what you look like" she says as her hands run over his neck, "Ma petite will you play again?" Erik asks as he grabs her hands just before they reach her face. "Very well" Rosalie says as she takes a seat in front of the piano, the soft music washes throughout the room as Rosalie begins to play once more.

From the balcony Madame Giry watches as Rosalie plays the piano for Erik, in her mind they were perfect for each other. Rosalie could not see Erik's deformity and Erik was obviously enthralled by her musical talent, if only he could over come his lust for Christine Daae.

"That was very beautiful ma petite, you have a great talent" Erik whispers as he adjusts his mask, "Thank you kind sir, but if you don't mind I have another question for you" Rosalie says as she pushes a strand of hair from her face. "Well ma petite I must say that you are full of questions, have you not heard the saying that curiosity killed the cat?" Erik asks as he gazes at Rosalie's magnificent ankle length hair, it shone in the light like a river of flowing chocolate. "I am no cat sir" she replies as she stands, her cane in her hand as she begins to make her way off the stage with Erik following closely behind.

"May I see what you look like?" Rosalie asks as she lifts her hand to the right side of his face, "Ma petite your boldness astounds me" Erik says as he grasps her hand in his. "I am not bold, just human. Is it not an unfair advantage that you know what I look like, but I do not know what you look like?" Rosalie asks as she moves in closer towards Erik, "Very well" Erik says as he lets out a deep breath.

Slowly Rosalie's hand runs along Erik's face, tracing each nook and cranny with her fingers. "You face is very handsome if I may say so" Rosalie says as she begins to move her hand to the left side of his face, Erik quickly grabs her hand but not before she feels a corner of his mask. "Looks can be deceiving" he whispers as he releases her hand, "Why is it that you must cover your face, surly nothing can call for that type of action" Rosalie says in a confused tone. Erik begins to speak but is cut off by the sound of someone yelling Rosalie's name radiates through the opera house, "It seems someone is missing you ma petite" Erik whispers. Rosalie looks up as she removes her hand from Erik's face "Will I see you again?" she asks, Erik lets out a small hearty laugh as he raises her hand to his lips and kisses it lightly "Farewell ma petite" he says as a cool breeze brushes along Rosalie's sleeve and with that he is gone.