Cut up Wrists and Blackened Hearts

Home Alone

Billie's POV

We all just sat in the living room,watching Mike wipe all the shit off his face. I started thinking about Adie,I felt so sorry that we were losing our feelings for eachother,I felt like I was the one to blame.I looked at the beautiful Angel sitting next to me,laughing.Her voice is so beautiful,she seems so perfect,I know that this all sounds corny and shit but its how I feel.I looked at my watch,"9:15"it said.I looked at the guys,"Time?"Mike asked,"It's 9:15,"I replied,"Well we better go,I still have to go to the bar and find myself a hooker or two,"Tre grinned,"And Joey and Jake have school tomorrow,"I said getting up.Angel got up and kissed my cheek,"Here's my number,"she said handing me a small slip of paper,I smiled,"Bye,"Me Tre and Mike said as we walked out the door.

Angel's POV
The guys were gone,and Benji was whining.I laughed.I took Benji outside and I just watched the beautiful night sky,thinking.About Billie.His beautiful face,his sweet voice,he was so caring and lovable.The sun was completely gone now,and I was just sitting out there,and had been for 25 minutes or so,I had just put the dog in and I just sat there on my porch,thinking.I looked at my cell phone,"10:00"it said.I walked to my front door,opened it,and walked in.I fell on the couch and quickly fell asleep.

*Angels Dream*

"Morning babe,"Billie said kissing the top of my head.I laughed and saw that I was laying on his chest,listening to him breathing for a bit.Then I scooted off him and he got up.

*End of Dream*