Death waits

The church

The day is night, the street is dark, and the creatures are back.

Trapped within this safe haven of a church the only place that the creatures cannot touch, the only light left within this dark and dingy world true pain has entered this universe e only reason because they are in need of the last demon warrior.

He was once the greatest warrior but he got defeated and vowed to never fight unwanted battles anymore no one knows where he disappeared to only that without his help they would never of been able to defeat the greatest of evil elders and he alone took him down and chopped his body into pieces the ultimate insult to the dead


The sulfur hangs in the air as though hiding something within its depths just out of reach for the men and always moving, always scanning waiting for our guard to slip so it can poison all of us and feed off of our bodies.

“This is hopeless” said George

“No we just need to find him” replied Darren

“but where is he?”

“You forget I’m a creature of magic too Iv been trying to find him for ages and I think Iv finally found him”

“Do tell if we can find him we ca…”

“Can get help and maybe he can teach us” James butted in

“Since when were you part of this conversation?”

“He’s got a point did we say you can talk”

“Umm well… he Umm … didn’t “

“Then why speak if not invited”

“I’m sorry just don’t hurt me again”

“Its ok George won’t hurt you whilst I’m around”

“George, James come hear iv got a plan”

“A what?”

“An idea of how to escape from this destroyed city”

“Every church has a escape tunnel incase the Pope has to hide people doesn’t it”

“I think that’s in the medieval times Darren”

“And what maybe this way built then and if so I reckon we should split up and look at everything and see if we can find a escape tunnel ill tell you the rest if we find one or not”

Even in the light the church is a dodgy place before the creature their were druggies, before the druggies their were tramps and before the tramps was a crazy old man who clamed that the world was going to end and by the looks of it he’s right the sky has been bleached black and ground is crimson and the wildlife has been burnt down when the first wave hit.

But you couldn’t help admiring all the stained glass paintings the pictures on the walls the old bookcases the old fashioned lanterns the fire burning with the iron clutches of their holders this church was a maze, more of a castle then a church the loose stones underfoot made it interesting to walk along the dark corridors with only a flickering light source.

“Ouch!” George muttered as he walked into the third corner of a wall he couldn’t help being short sighted in fact it helped him sometimes he could study things carefully and see if anything was out of order unlike James he’s big and clumsy but he bounces off of things and doesn’t feel anything.



“I THINK IV FOUND SOMETHING” shouted James as he stumbled back from the full length mirror

“What …have… you… found?” panted Darren

“I honestly don’t know but I think I save something when I looked into it I thought I saw a tunnel”

“I don’t see anything”

“But I think I might of done something else as well”

“Ok then what did you do”

“I was catching my breath and I was leaning against this wall”

“Hay guys what has happened” asked George

“James think he might of seen a tunnel through this mirror”

“So what is he doing now?”

“He’s redoing everything that he did to see it”

“let me have a look James”

“uh ok”

James glared at the wall only inches away from his long nose scanning for every last detail every little difference he noted eventually he paused on a stop and span around looking happy.

“I think I might of found it… look carefully at this piece of stone”

“it look no different”

“Not at the mo but look carefully”

“Theirs a little symbol of a snake on it”

“Well done now press in that snake”

Darren walked over causally to the stone plate and held his finger on the snake expecting something bad to happen but nothing did

“ok now what?” Darren said puzzled

“well I think you got to push it in now”

Darren pushed the snake symbol and by surprise the mirror moved away taking James by surprise that he stumbled over

“Now guys we have this tunnel hears the plan”

To be continued
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one of many chapters to come hopefully