Status: Hiatus.

Love Can't Save You


Frank so kindly took me into the other room to ‘calm me down.’ I instantly felt like a fool. This was his big break and I was ruining it. Again.

“No Frank!” I said shrugging his arm off my shoulder. “Just leave me the fuck alone!” I knew he would respond better to this then me to tell him to go worry about himself.

“Why do you have to be such a bitch all the time Lissa?” He snapped. My eyes widened. This definitely wasn’t the response that I had been expecting.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I hissed, staring daggers at his head. He rolled his eyes.

“I came in here, giving up on the possible chance of this band to help cheer up my little sister and all you can do is be a bitch!” He yelled. I took a couple deep breathes to calm me down. My shrink said I had to work on the anger management thing. “No wonder Alina and Brooke quit. You’re just a waste of time.” My hand came out faster then I realized and slapped my older brother in the face. We both stood staring at each other in shock, anger pulsing off our every pore.

With one last glance and ran out of the room and grabbed my bag and was out the door. Just in time to hear Gerard’s comment.

“Damn Frank, letting the girl beat up on you now? Your cheek is like purple,” He chuckled to himself sending a worried glace at me. I flipped him off.


I was lying on my bed, with my feet in my pillows and my head hanging off the edge with the only music I knew truly annoyed Frank on as loud as possible. And now I suddenly realized why exactly he hated Alvin and The Chipmunks so much.

I heard a knock on my door and I started singing loudly to make then go away. They knocked again. I sighed and turned the music down, not moving from my spot.

“Well, come in if you must,” I complained loudly. I turned my head so I was looking up at the ceiling and not at the doorway. I was trying to keep my emotions in check, something I wasn’t very capable of earlier.

“I’m sorry,” I heard a mumble. I nodded slowly, still looking up. It’s a scientific fact that helps you keep the tears from spilling. God, I loved my brother so much. But not in the incesty way. Ew.

“Frankie,” I sniffled sitting up. “I am a bitch. A slutty, easy, whorish bitch. Just like Trisha George said in tenth grade.” I was crying softly now. Not like the waterworks earlier.

“You are not! Just because you go out with a lot of guys doesn’t mean you fuck them all. Believe I know which ones you do so I can beat the shit outta them.” He argued jumping on the bed next to me and wrapping his arms around me. I snuggled into him, because honestly Frank Iero is one of the best human pillows you could ever find. And I mean that in the lovingest way.

“I’m sorry I hit you Frankie,” I whispered, my tears leaking on his shirt. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. Did they make fun of you too much?” Frank snorted.

“Lets just say Gerard’s eye will be sore in the morning,” He laughed. My eyes widened. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“You punched him?” I shrilled jumping up with a look of laughter on my face. He slowly shook his head with a grin.

“I didn’t, Jamia did. He made a comment… Well you know how Gerard is.” I nodded seriously. I did know how he was. And I also knew I had to take him down. If it was the last thing I did.
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ok this sucks dick. and not the good kinda dick sucking either. But i figured its been FOREVER and i owed you guys SOMETHING, even if it is complete and utter shit. But im excited about started this fic again and im definitely giving it another chance.

Check out my other stuff PLEASEEE!