Status: Hiatus.

Love Can't Save You


“Son of a bitch,” I growled, poking my eye. The bruise was slowly getting larger. I slammed my hands down on the sink and groaned.

“You shouldn’t have said anything about Frank,” Mikey laughed. “They were already pissed about Lissa.”

“You are not helping,” I snapped. He held his hands up in surrender. I rolled my eyes. “Leave.” He left.

I sighed and leaned against the sink. I would have to call Chastity and tell her I wouldn’t be able to come now. I would not let anybody see me like this, apart from the people who were in the room.

I took out a bottle of my mom’s foundation and smeared it around my eye, rubbing hard trying to get it to blend. It didn’t take an idiot to figure out I was at least two shades darker then her and I suddenly had a pale ring around my eye. “Fuck,” I groaned.

I glanced at the clock. It was almost nine thirty. CVS was open until at least eleven, I wasn’t sure if it was 24/7 yet. But it didn’t matter because if I hurried I could get there and buy some make-up for my eye.

I grabbed and sunglasses and car keys and ran out the door. I must have looked insanely creepy, walking around Jersey at nine thirty with large sunglasses on, but as long as I didn’t run into anyone I knew, I’d be fine.

I parked and sat in the car for a second, everything that had happened today catching up with me. Every word I had said to Lissa hurt me, and I could tell it her even if she would never admit it. I just couldn’t believe I made her cry.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang, then a giggle. “Fuck my life!” I heard a familiar exclaim. I frowned, looking out my window to see if I was right. I was.

“Isn’t it a bit late for you to be out all by yourself?” I asked, getting out of my car. Her head snapped up, her brown hair creating a water fall effect as it slid down her shoulders, and she scowled.

“What the fuck are you doing here, Gerard?” She snapped, her good mood obviously ruined. by me. I smirked.

“Stalking you of course. What else would I be doing on a Friday night at the store,” I replied sarcastically. Her eyes narrowed.

“I didn’t mean here,” She said spreading her arms in a circle, meaning the area. “I meant here.” She pointed to where I was standing.

“Well, I heard you yelling. Thought you might need some help?” I offered, flashing her, my dazzling smile. I saw a wave of sadness pass through her face for a second. Then it was gone.

“I’d rather stay in this spot and never have another Monster again for the rest of my life then have you help me,” She exclaimed. I raised an eyebrow and leaned against the hood of her car.

“Wow, you must really hate me.” I said.

“Of course,” Was the answer. I shook my head sadly and looked at her.

“What’s wrong, Melissa.” I said matter-of-factly. She sighed and looked around, as if wanted to find another way.

“My car won’t start. I need a jump,” She finally admitted. I smirked again.

“I’ll give you one, if you promise to help me with something in return,” I bargained. She raised an eyebrow in question. I sighed. “I need some help finding a concealer for this.” I tipped my glasses down giving her full view of my shiner. She laughed.

“I suppose,” She smirked back at me. “But you’ll have to buy me a coffee.” I looked at her, a little shocked.

“Why would I have to buy you coffee?” I asked laughing a little. Her smirk grew more pronounced as she leaned in as if she were telling me a secret.

“To bride me of course,” I gave her another odd look. I didn’t understand. “Unless you want me to tell everyone I helped you buy make-up, that is.” Finally it clicked. I smiled.

“Fine, deal.” I agreed.

“Shake on it,” She said warily. I held out my hand and she grasped it. “Ok, first things first. Make-up time.” She grabbed my arm and pulled me after her into the building, then suddenly stopped.

“This doesn’t mean I like you, Way. Not at all,” She said. I nodded in agreement.

“Of course not!” I quickly agreed. Not yet at least…

She continued to drag me into CVS and into the makeup isle. “I like this brand the best,” She said stopping in front of a display. She studied my face for a second or two, and then studied the package. “Here.” She handed me one. “Perfect. Ok, hair dye time.” She grabbed my arm again before I had a chance to question her.

“Hmm, should I go blonde?” She said more to herself. She shook her head and continued to stare at the packages.

“I think you should make it darker,” I mumbled. She looked up at me and smiled.

“Really? I never though I’d be able to pull it off.” She said staring longingly at the package.

“How about this, I’ll buy it and if you hate it I’ll buy you another to fix your hair?” I offered. I was feeling generous. She studied me.

“Okay, I guess we can try that,” She said slowly. She picked up the package and the concealer and put out her hand. I stared at her blankly. “Money? You seriously aren’t going to go up there and buy this yourself? You’ll look fruiter than… than… then my brother.” I laughed with her and dug out my wallet, handing her a twenty.

She chatted with the guy behind the counter a little, his name was Damien and they had met each other at a show once. I felt something burn in my chest, and became shocked at myself. There was no way that I could be jealous of Lissa talking to this guy.

Finally she was done and we let the store. “Coffee now or later?” She asked. I smiled.

“How about later?”
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I'm sorry its been so long. I suck at life atm. comment please.