The White Shepherd

The White Shepherd

"Maybe we should just name him mike?" Tre suggested,

"Yeah Billie" Addie said,

"No I don't think he would like it because Mike is not a dog person,and it will sound kinda

creepy " Billie said, Addie fixed her gaze off of Billie and looked at the white fur-ball in his arms.

"Okay, than maybe something else" Addie said, everyone thought for a moment while the

puppy was put down to run around while Billie and Addie sat on the floor. After suggesting a

few names like, chomper, zero and snow-kill, Tre said the next name.

"Hewie?" Billie and Addie looked at Tre on the couch.

"Hewie? What kind of name is that?" Billie said,

"It's okay Billie, Hewie sounds cute for him" Addie said,

"Yeah" Tre said in agreement,

Billie thought for a minute,"Okay It's Hewie then"

"Yay" Tre said,

Billie fixed his position of sitting down on the floor, he sat with his legs spreed out a


"Hewie come here boy" Tre said and called the now named puppy. Hewie responded and

ran past the t.v, hopped over Addie's legs, jumped onto Billie's crouch and into Tre's arms.

"Aww fuck!" Billie yelped out, he fell to his side and put his hands between his legs

comforting himself. Addie and Tre couldn't help but laugh at the twitching Billie. He soon sat up

still rubbing himself,

"Shit that hurt" Billie grumbled, Addie hugged him and stopped laughing but Tre didn't.

"Hewie didn't mean to Billie, sorry" Tre said.