The Boy With Emeralds In His Eyes

The Boy With Emeralds In His Eyes

Mike knotted his fingers through Billie’s hair, his head resting on his shoulder as they lay in bed, savoring each other’s presence. A small smile played across his thin lips as Billie sighed and moved closer, his hands placed on Mike’s exposed chest.

“Mike,” He whispered, breaking the silence. “Remember our first date?”

Mike chuckled as he thought of the fiasco they called a first date. “Fat guys cursing in Italian, an old prude who kept saying we were going to hell, and a tipped over pot of spaghetti sauce. Good times.”

Billie giggled a bit and heaved a sigh. “Yeah…but we kissed.”

“Your lips were covered in marinara sauce. I was trying to get it off.”

Billie waved his hand dismissively. “Excuses.”

Mike wrapped his arms around Billie’s waist and softly kissed his lips, eliciting a small moan from the smaller man. He nuzzled against the fabric of his shirt, whispering “I love you” into his ear.

“You better,” Billie chortled, pulling Mike into a hug.

Mike stood up and grabbed the hand of his lover, taking a small black box from his pocket. He flipped it open to reveal a gold ring with a small, shimmering diamond set into it. “Billie Joe Armstrong, I love you with all my heart. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to wake up every morning to the sight of your beautiful face. I want to gaze into those great big green eyes for the rest of eternity. Will you marry me?”

Billie’s eyes shone with a liveliness like never before, like emerald among ivory. A small tear ran down his cherub cheeks as he uttered that one word, the one word that meant the world to Mike.


The boy with emeralds in his eyes had found love at last, and all was right in the world, if only for one moment.