I Don't Love You, Like I Did Yesterday

Chapter Thirteen

“Frank you did WHAT!?” she exclaimed.

“I umm, punched Matt?” I answered in a questioning tone leaning against her locker door.




“Just because.”

“No Frank, I want to know why you punched him, and then felt compelled to tell me.”

“He was calling you easy. Saying that he could get with you whenever he wanted. It was making me mad. I couldn’t help it, I HAD to defend you.”

“Awe Frankie.” she cooed before slowly pressing her lips against mine.

“I KNEW IT!” we heard someone yell from behind us. We quickly turned around to see Mikey smirking at us.

“Hello! It’s called privacy.” I said glairing at him as he walked over.

“Yeah, cause you have all the privacy in the world while you make out in the school hallway.” Mikey said sarcastically as he leaned up against the locker on the opposite side of Melanie. “I knew it. Just they way you guys were acting around each other last night. I KNEW something was up. From Frank saying that you hated him, to him pulling you into his lap last night. The fact that you were even there last night. I knew something was going on between you two. I don’t know how Gerard couldn’t see it, it was painfully obvious.” he said with a smirk.

“Mikey?” Melanie questioned.


“Shut up.” she said with a sweet tone before turning around and wrapping her arms around my neck.

“Sigh, no love for Mikey.” Mikey said leaning against the locker.

~*~Melanie’s POV~*~

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” I said with a smirk as I saw a girl that had side swept bangs with brown eyes that looked almost black that were framed by glasses, and had black hair that was tinted purple. I’ve noticed that when I was around Frank and Mikey and she’d walk by, she’d always turn her head and check Mikey out. Come to think of it I think she’s in my first. Maybe I should play Cupid and try to set them up.

“What do you mean?” Frank asked as he turned his head to look at me.

“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it. But I should really get going to first. See you guys at lunch.” I said before kissing Frank again and giving Mikey a quick hug.

As I ran down the hallway I saw that girl again. I decided to talk to her and figure some things out.

“Hey, you’re in my first right?”

“Excuse me?”

“Susmita, right?” I asked.

“Yeah. How do you know my name?”

“You’re in my first.”

“Yeah, I guess I am. I don’t remember your name though.”

“It’s Melanie.”

“Melanie? Melanie Wilson!?”

“Yeah, why?”

“You’re friends with Chrissie aren’t you?”

“I was friends with her. But between you and me, she’s a complete fucking bitch.” I said before me and her started laughing. “No I’m friends with Mikey, Frank, Gerard and Ray again.”


“Yeah, when I was little until about a year ago we were all really close. I’m actually dating Frank now.”

“Oh yeah! I remember now in freshman year. I remember you always hanging out with those guys. You and Frank are finally dating. I remember seeing you two all the time and you two would just flirt none stop.”

“Yeah. Anyways, I can’t help but notice how you look at Mikey every time you walk past us.”

“What do you mean by how I look at Mikey?”

“Oh come on it’s obvious. You have a crush on Mikey.”

“I do not.”

“Do too”

“Do not”

“Do too, admit it.”

“Kay fine, maybe I have a little crush on him.”

“And that’s exactly why I came to talk to you.”

“You came to talk to me, to tell me that I have a crush on Mikey?”


“I’m confused. What are you trying to say then?”

“I’m saying that you should hang out with us at lunch today. Meet Mikey. He’s always complaining that no one ever shows him any affection anyways. I bet he’d really like you if he just knew who you are. So what do you say?”

“I say I can’t wait for lunch.” she said before the bell rang and we both ran off into first period.


“Hey Mikey, Frank.” I said before hugging Mikey and giving Frank a kiss.

“Hey babe.” Frank said before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling my back into his chest.

“I have someone for you to meet.” I said before pointing to Susmita. “Guys, this is Susmita. And Susmita this is Frank and that’s Mikey.” I said knowing fully that she already knew who they were.

“Hi.” She said nervously.

“So, Susmita. That a pretty unusual name.” Mikey said before placing his arm around her waist and pulling her over to under the tree. Before they were out of view she turned around and mouthed a “thank you.”

“Well isn’t someone a little match maker.” Frank cooed as he turned me around.

“I’m not admitting or denying the fact that I may or may not have anything what so ever to do with introducing Susmita to Mikey, knowing fully well that he may or may not under the right circumstances be a complete and total flirt towards her, which she may or may not have wanted.”

“We’ll aren’t you just a little walking disclaimer.” Frank said before kissing me on the forehead.

“Someone seems quite fond of calling me little, as they’re quite little themselves.” I smirked before leaning my head into his chest.

“Hey, I’m big where it matters.” Frank boasted proudly before I giggled and grabbed his hand.

“Come on, no ones over by the bleachers.” I said with a seductive smirk.

“Melanie! I didn’t mean for you to want me to prove it right now.”

“Frank you idiot. I’m not gonna fuck and or suck you under the bleachers. I was just saying that no ones there and it would be a good spot for some cuddle time if you know what I mean.”

“What? OH! I get what you’re saying now. We can make out under the bleachers and not get in trouble.”

“Very good Frankie. Do you want a hero cookie?”

“No, I have something else in mind that I want.” he said before picking me up and ran us over to under the bleachers.