I Don't Love You, Like I Did Yesterday

Chapter Three

~*~Melanie’s POV~*~
Age Fifteen

Me and my best friend at the time Sam approached the front door of Franks house. It was his birthday, which also meant it was Halloween. His mom was out of town and he decided he was going to have a little party seeing as it was his birthday. I knocked on the heavy wooden door which had a sign tapped to it reading “NO CANDY!!! GO AWAY!!!”
“Coming!” we heard someone yell and then foot steps funning towards the door.
“Are you gonna do it tonight?” we heard someone whisper on the other side of the door, causing me and Sam to exchange puzzled looks.
“Guy just shut up, there here!” we heard another harsh whisper.
“Hi Sam, hey Mel.” Frank said as he opened the door, enveloping me in a tight hug.
“Happy birthday Frank.” Sam and I both said as we walked threw the door.
“Here, I made you a card.” I said handing him a home made card, a tradition I had for him every year since we’ve met. It was a pop up card with a picture of me and a mouth full of skittles. Above that in large colourful writing was Happy Birthday Frankie, and below it in smaller black writing was I have skittles in my mouth, do you want to taste the rainbow ;). Me and Frank always joked around like that so he didn’t think much of and just laughed and said thanks.
“Everyone, they’re here!” Frank yelled as we entered into the living room.


“OMG, I KNOW WHAT WE SHOULD DO!” shouted Gerard.
“WHAT!” shouted Sam.
“YEAH, I SAY MEL AND FRANK GO IN FIRST!” Mikey shouted out. Some how I had a feeling they planed this out. Frank and I were soon violently shoved into the closet together.
“You can’t come out for seven minutes!” shouted someone from the other side.
“So… um....” Frank started, scratching the back of his neck.
“I guess we should…” I started but trailed off.
“Oh yeah, guess we should…”
We slowly tilted our heads together, getting ready to kiss, I could tell Frank was nervous, I didn’t quite know why though. We slowly got closer together, then WHAM! Our foreheads ran into each other.
“Oh god! Sorry, I’m sorry, sorry…” Frank went on apologising.
“Frank, it’s fine, just…” I started before slowly cupping his chin in my hand, tilting his head one way, and tilting mine the other. Our lips slowly connected and what started out as an innocent kiss soon turned into a heavy make out session.
“Ok, your seven minutes are up!” we heard someone say before seeing a bright flash go off and Sam run away with the camera.
“Sam, I’m gonna kill you!” I screamed as I chased her up the stairs.