I Don't Love You, Like I Did Yesterday

Chapter Four

~*~Franks POV~*~
Age Seventeen

“Guy, why don’t you just tell her?” I heard Mikey ask, snapping out of my trance.

“I can’t, we haven’t talked in a long time.” I said, not really wanting to get up and talk to her.

“So, come one and just say hi, I bet she’d be glad to hear from you.” Mikey said, elbowing me in the ribs.

“We live next to each other, I’m sure if she wanted to talk to me she’d just pop over and say hi.”

“Come on Frank, you can’t always wait around for her to make the first move.”

“Mikey, this isn’t about making a move. It’s about a friendship she fucked up…” I started trailing off, “That I fucked up.”

“Come on, it’s your seventeenth birthday, make it your present to yourself to make things better.”

“I can’t just go up to her and go, “Hi, I know I haven’t talked to you in almost a year, but you know, just thought I’d say hi even though you hate me.” Just as I said that I saw one of her friends say something pointing over in our direction and the whole group of girls started laugh, except for her, she just glanced over at us with sorry eyes. “See what I mean, her and her new “friends” hate me.”

“I’m not so sure, notice how she didn’t laugh at the remark of probably “look at those emo fags.”

“I can’t handle this right now, I’m going inside.” I said just before the bell rang. I stubbed out my cigarette on the table we were sitting on and headed inside to grab my books, passing by the group of girls that let out another chorus of laughter, but noticing that someone was missing.