I Don't Love You, Like I Did Yesterday

Chapter Five

~*~Franks POV~*~

After fifth period I headed towards my locker to put back my math textbook seeing as I didn’t have any homework tonight. I turned the combination for my lock and opened my locker, only to have a red card with a black frame sitting on top of my other textbook. I looked at it; in curvy black script it said Happy Birthday Frank. I opened the card and two pictures fell out.

“I can’t believe she’s still doing this.” I mumbled with a smirk as I picked up the two pictures. One a recent picture of her in tight jeans and a black Misfits t-shirt with her hair all teased out and her sparkling blue eyes lined in black, something you most defiantly wouldn’t see her coming to school in. She had a coy smirk on her face but her mouth was full of skittles. The other one was one from two years ago, taken at my fifteenth birthday party. It was us at the end of our turn of seven minutes in heaven. In reality I actually got a copy of that picture from Sam. I keep it in the draw of my night stand.

I looked at the inside of the card that was written in her curvy neat handwriting that read,

Dear Frank,
I’m so sorry how our friendship turned out. I’ve known you since I was five years old. We were the best of friends for the longest time and I can’t believe we let a silly little fight get in the way of eleven years of friendship, that I let a silly little fight get between our friendship. I bet you weren’t expecting a card from me this year, but we can’t break tradition now can we? I know that you probably hate me for how I acted, for how I changed. Honestly I’m not happy with how I turned out. I lost one of my best friends because of a stupid fight. I didn’t buy you a gift, but if you want, I can be your present this year.

P.S. I have skittles in my mouth, want to taste the rainbow? For real this time. You know where my window is.;)

xox, Melanie

I sighed and placed the card into my bag and headed out towards the parking lot where I was waiting for Mikey. I still can’t believe she still did that for me this year. I leaned my head back on Mikey’s car, deciding on what I should do tonight.

“Lover boy, what up!” Mikey called from across the parking lot.

“Guess you’ve never heard of subtlety.” I said laughing as I climbed into his car.

“Absolutely not, so did you talk to her yet?” Mikey asked, going back to our conversation at lunch.

“No.” At least no yet. I thought as I leaned my head against the glass window of the car.