I Don't Love You, Like I Did Yesterday

Chapter Six

~*~Franks POV~*~

When I got home I threw my bag in the corner of my room, kicked off my shoes and flopped down on my bed. I flopped over so I was laying face down, but my torso was hanging off the bed so I was half upside down. I looked under the bed and pulled out the dusty converse box. I grabbed it and sat cross legged on my bed. I ran my fingers along the edges of the worn out box, before slowly opening the lid to reveal ten birthday cards. On for each birthday since I was five. Some scribbled with crayon, some with pencil crayon, some with sketches, some pop-up, some painted, all from the person that means the most to me but I’m too scared to tell them. At the very bottom buried underneath all the cards was a picture, the very same picture that I received today.

I sighed as I slowly roes from the bed. I got up and found some tape in my bed side drawer. I walked over to my mirror, made two big loops of tape and placed them on the back of the pictured that was in the card that was taken two years ago, I carefully placed the picture on the corner of the mirror, then repeated the same with the other picture, then the birthday card in the other corner. I tossed the tape back into the drawer and found a black sharpie. Uncapping it I wrote and drew on the lid of the box. Once I was done I put the marker back in the drawer and slowly slipped the box back into its rightful place.

I must have dozed off cause when I woke up it was slightly dark outside and I was awaken by the annoying sound of the door bell, followed by the shrill shrieks of young children screaming “trick-or-treat” I groaned as I rolled out of bed, deciding that this birthday was pretty boring seeing as it was on a school night so no party, and that it was on Halloween so I got to sit home listening to the door bell being run every five or 10 seconds. Don’t get me wrong, Halloween is awesome, free candy, and you get to pretend, even just for a night that you’re someone you’re not.

I rolled out of bed and stood up trying to decide what to do. I was looking out the window scratching the back of my neck, which actually faced right into Melanie’s bedroom window. I was thinking what she had said to me in her birthday card and decided that I would take her up on it. I shoved on my shoes and a bunny hug and climbed out my window onto the roof. I then walked to the edge and stepped over the three foot gap that separated out housed. I slowly walked up to her window and looked in. She was wearing the tightest pare of black skinny leg jeans she could possibly get into, a red and black corset top, a black cape, her face was so pale it almost looked white, her lips were painted in blood red with a little squiggle coming the left corner of her mouth, her eyes were lined in thick black eyeliner and eye shadow, her hair was straightened and teased out, and her outfit was topped off with a pair of fake vampires teeth. I tapped on the window gently but she mustn’t have heard it because she didn’t seem to notice so I tapped a bit harder. She jumped from the sudden sound and came over to the window.

“Frank! What are you doing here?” she asked as she opened the window.

“Awww, you not glad to see me?” I asked in mock hurt.

“Of course I’m happy to see you, just wasn’t expecting you is all.”

“Well I’m a very mysterious man.” I said with a smirk. “So… can I come in?”

“No Frank, I’m gonna make you sit out on my roof while there are people running around so they’ll think you’re going to rape me.” she said sarcastically.

“Who says that’s not what I’m going to do?” I ask getting a little too full of myself.

“Well you know Frank, you can’t rape the willing.” she whispered seductively into my ear before grabbing my hand and gently pulling me into her room.

“So what are you doing tonight?” I asked as I sat down on her bed.

“Well I was supposed to go to a party tonight with Chrissie and the girls, but I really didn’t want to go, so I told them I had to stay home and hand out candy. I don’t even like those girls.” she said as she plopped herself down into my lap.

“Then why do you hang out with them if you don’t like them?” I ask, wrapping my arms around her waist.

“Because… after I got into that fight with Kim I figured you hated me, and same with the rest of the guys, so I just drifted away, and, changed I guess, becoming this fake plastic just to fit in with those girls.”

“I never hated you, and neither did the guys. I just wish I listened to you about Kim, you were right. I just didn’t want to believe any of it.”

“Well I probably could have told you in a better way, I guess… idunno.”

“No what?”

“Well I guess I was just… jealous, as stupid as it sounds.”

“Why would you be jealous of her?”

“Cause maybe… I thought that you deserved someone better.” she said as she hung her head in embarrassment.

“Someone like… you maybe?” I asked before cupping her face in my hands and slowly tilting her face before out lips slowly connected.