I Don't Love You, Like I Did Yesterday

Chapter Eight

~*~Franks POV~*~

“So where were you last night Frank?” Mikey asked as we pulled up to the school

“What do you mean where was I?”

“Well Gerard, Ray and I were going to go over and keep you company, but when we called you mom said she didn’t know where you went.” he said as he turned off the car.

“Well I took a little of your advice and I went over to talk to her.” I said, still seated in the car.

“Seriously?! Good job guy. So…”

“So what?”

“So what did you two do all night then?” He asked, sounding like a gossiping fourteen year old girl.

“We didn’t really do much. I went over threw her window and…” I started before being cut off.

“You went threw her window? And you two didn’t do anything?!”

“Well if you’d let me finish, I went over and she was all dressed up as a vampire. She was staying home because her mom was going to go out to a staff party or something like that.”

“So you two were home alone all night? And her mom knew?”

“Yeah we were home alone all night, but her mom didn’t know I was over there because when she came upstairs to talk to her she made me hide under the bed.”

“Oooooooooooh, find anything interesting under there, if you get what I’m saying.” Mikey said with a wink.

“You perv, even I wasn’t thinking of that. But now that you mention it I did happen to find a pair of fuzzy handcuffs under there. But anyhow so yeah we basically made out on the couch between giving out candy and then watched a movie.”

“See I told you. Just go talk to her and things will go over fine, but noooooo lets not listen to Mikey. Mikey’s always wrong.” he said with a sarcastic tone as he got out of the car.

“You know what Mikey. Shut up.” I said also getting out of the car and grabbing my stuff out of the back seat.

“Come on Frank, we better be going or we’ll be late for first.” Mikey said as he headed off towards the school.


The bell rang signalling that third period is now over, meaning that lunch break has started. I grabbed my books and shoved them into my back pack and ran out the room. As I walked over to my locker all I could think about was what Melanie would be doing at lunch today. She’s probably just going to forget all about last night, and things are going to go back to the way they were. Her hanging out with her friends that hate me, and me and Mikey sitting at the table outside complaining how much we hate school and how we can’t wait to graduate. How can you even think that. You know she’s not easy, and she wouldn’t have kissed you last night if she didn’t feel the same. I argued with myself. Yeah, but how can she willingly step down the social ladder from being one of the most popular girls in school, to being friends with me again. I fought back. But she just wouldn’t have kissed you night if she didn’t want to be around you. And she was sitting pretty close to you too during the movie. I was arguing with myself the whole time walking to my locker. I threw my books in, grabbed my sandwich, closed my locker and walked out to meet Mikey at the table outside.

“Hey Mikey.” I said as I sat down.

“Hey, what kept you?” he asked taking a bite of his lunch.

“Nothing, I was just…” I started but trailed off.

“Thinking?” he finished for me.


“About what?”

“Well, how Melanie’s probably going to ignore me and join her “friends” today and completely ignore what happened last night.” I said with a sigh.

“I wouldn’t be so sure of that.” Mikey said with a cocky grin.

“What do you mean?” I asked, completely confused.

“Have you seen her yet today?”

“No why?”

“You’ll see. Which by the way she’s coming over right now.” He said pointing in the direction of the football field.

I looked over to see Melanie walking across the field in our direction. And it wasn’t the preppy pink baby-t, white skirt wearing, lip gloss covered bubble gum version of her either. It was her, the girl I knew back when I was fifteen. Walking over in a black Iron Maiden shirt, dark blue drain pipes, her eyes perfectly outlined in black eyeliner and her black hair swishing back and fourth as she walked.

“Hi Frankie.” She said as she plopped down in my lap.

“H-hi Mel.” I stuttered out.

“Awww, no hi Mikey?” Mikey complained from beside me.

“I could never forget you Mikey.” She said leaning over to give him a hug.

“And no hug for me?” I asked in my best mock hurt voice.

“I sowwy Frankie I’ll…” she started off before she was cut off.

“MELANIE! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!!!” we heard a shrill shriek come from none other than Chrissie.

“Why, whatever do you mean?” Melanie asked looking over at her, still seated in my lap.

“What the hell are you wearing?!” Chrissie exclaimed.

“Clothes? What else does it look like?”

“We’ll what the hell are you doing with these two.” Chrissie said a disgusted tone.

“Nothing, just this.” She said before tilting her head back towards me and gently kissing me on the lips, before running her tongue along my bottom lip and slipping her tongue into my mouth. We were like that for a while before she pulled away.

“That. Is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. I can’t believer you’re talking to these faggots. You’re so out of the group.” Chrissie said before turning away.

“Good.” Melanie started, getting up out of my lap. “Because there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a very long time. You’re a cheap, easy, plastic bimbo who will sleep with any guy who asks her. You’re shallow, superficial and fake and I’m glad you hate me again!” she said to Chrissie before sitting back down.

“I hope you know she’s going to try to make your life a living hell now.” Mikey said to her when Chrissie was out of hearing distance.

“Thanks Mikey, you know how to make a girl feel better.” She said sarcastically

“Awww, come on don’t be that way.” I said as I slowly began to tickle her ribs.

“Frank, stop that. Frank, I’m serious. F-Frank, I-I can’t br-breath. Sto-Stop it!” She shouted as she wriggled in my lap, trying to get away from me.

“Well if you don’t like it, you can always use those fuzzy handcuffs of yours.” Mikey said. As soon as those words left his mouth I stopped tickling her and gave a death glair to Mikey.

“Frank, you told him?!” Melanie shrieked.

“Mikey, you idiot, you weren’t supposed to say anything!”

“Well it’s not my fault your girlfriend keeps kinky sex toys under her bed.” Mikey said.

“Frank, I gotta go, see you in fifth.” Melanie said before getting up and heading towards the school.

“Great job ass hole. She hates me. AGAIN!”

“Well technically she never hated you the first time. And in my defence you never told me not to say anything.”

“Well I thought it was a given not to say anything about it.” I said getting off the table.

“Oh come on Frank, it’s a silly thing, she’ll get over it.”

“Yeah, I hope your right.” I said before entering the school.