I Don't Love You, Like I Did Yesterday

Chapter Nine

~*~Frank’s POV~*~

The bell rang, signalling that another school day had finished. I shared art class with Melanie in fifth. She sat alone today at the table in the back. I was going to go join her but I thought she’d still be mad at me so I decided to let her cool down for a while and I’d talk to her after class. She seemed pretty involved in whatever she was drawing. She looked so beautiful when she was drawing. Her hair fell perfectly over her eyes, no matter how many times she’d tuck it back, it would still fall back into place. I walked over to my locker and put my books away and grabbed my backpack. I slowly walked over to Melanie’s locker to see her putting her books away and taking her car keys out of her purse before grabbing her binder. I stood behind her open locker door and waited for her to close it.

“Jesus Christ Frank! Don’t do that, you scared the shit out of me.” She said as she jumped back, clearly startled that I was right beside her and she didn’t notice.

“I’m sorry. I just wanted to talk to you.” I said moving closer to her.

“Alright. Do you need a ride home? Because I should get going I have lots of homework tonight cause Ms. Caulfield was super pissed off at us today. Not to mention I have about thirty math problems left to do that’s probably going to take me an hour to do. So I mean, we could talk on the way home.” She said as we walked down the hallway. Did I forget to mention that Mel’s an over achiever. She’s taking all her mandatory courses, as well as math A30, B30, Physics 20, and Physics 30. She lives large and dreams big. Always talking about going to university in Massachusetts to become an A&R.

“Ok, I’ll just have to tell Mikey that I’m getting a ride home with you.”

“Oh ok, that’s no problem, I think I’m parked just a ways down from him so we should pass him on the way.” We walked out of the school and down the street towards where she parked her car. We passed Mikey on the way, like she said, and I told him that I’d be getting a ride home with her tonight. “So what was it you wanted to talk about Frank?” she asked as she opened up her door and threw her binder in the back of her car before unlocking my door and allowing me to climb in.

“Not much, just umm, about what Mikey said today at lunch.” I said looking away.

“Frank, it’s not a big deal, really. I wasn’t mad, I just needed to go right after that.”

“No not about that.” I said starting to feel my cheeks warm up.

“Well then what else did he say that you wanted to talk about?” she asked

“Well it’s not my fault your girlfriend keeps kinky sexy toys under her bed.”

“Well, that remark, about you being my girlfriend and all.” I said, not even realising that we were already in her driveway.

“It’s okay Frank, don’t worry about it. I know you don’t see me as nothing more than a friend,” she started while turning off the car, “and, I feel the same way.” she finished, quieter than she started.

“But that’s where you’re wrong. All afternoon all I could think about was, how do I tell her this, is there a proper way, does it have to be special, do we have to be somewhere special? And I just couldn’t answer those questions. So I’m just going to say it. I – I think I love you.” I said shifting around in my seat to look at her. “And I think you feel the same way. I know your not easy, that just not the girl I knew, you’d want to know someone respected you before you even kissed them, why else would have a kissed me, more then once by the way, last night. The only answer I could come up with is that you feel the same way about me.” I finished, softly cupping her cheek with my hand, drawing our faces closer before softly brushing my lips against hers.

“Frank, I – I, I gotta go.” She said before quickly grabbing her stuff and getting out of the car, me doing the same.

“But – but Melanie…”

“Frank, just, just go home ok?” she said quietly before going into her house and leaving me dumbfounded in her driveway.

I slowly walked over to my house, feeling tears pricking at my eyes. I went upstairs to my room, threw my backpack in a corner and laid face down in a pillow and started to cry silently. I couldn’t believer her. I seriously though she felt the same, because the girl I knew wouldn’t settle for a one night make out session, and she even ditched all her “friends” to hang out with me. And she basically told me to fuck off. I spilled my heart to her, and she said she had to go. All those thoughts ran threw my head as I silently cried my heart out.