My Drug, Intoxicated

Chapter Eleven

Danny's P.O.V

"I hate Phoenix." Jean glanced at me sideways, amused.

"Danny you hate everything. Really though, stop being a whiny little bitch. You're famous." I glanced at her amused now.

"As my publicist, are you really allowed to call my a whiny little bitch?" She laughed.

"Probably not. But as your friend I can call you whatever I want." We both laughed.

"We're here." We looked up toward the driver. Yes, I had a driver. Jean had arranged for my own little bus. It wasn't terribly big. It had two bunks, a couch, a little kitchen area, and an even tinier bathroom. But really, my own bus. It's kind of weird to be famous.

"So what do I have to do again?" Jean gave me an amused look.

"Stop being sarcastic. You've done this before. You know exactly what to do." I grinned at her.

"So? Maybe I like you telling me what to do?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her and she hit me with a pillow.

"We both know you're gay, don't be an ass. You can still be the father of my children though." We both laughed at our old, inside joke. Someone cleared their throat behind us.

"We're still here." Oh right, we've been ignoring the bus driver. Jean and I looked at each other amused. I grabbed my jacket from the couch we were on and we both headed out the door. In front of us stood a Barnes and Noble. Book signing number four. Fun fun.

"C'mon, let's go." Jean grabbed my and led me to the front door. A big sign in the window in front of me read 'Free Book Signing Today With Best-Selling Author Daniel Sike.' Life is mocking me.

I walked through the front door and I could instantly feel everyone's attention turn to me. A long ling of people started to clap. I smiled and waved. Just keep smiling. Just pretend you're a happy, famous, award-winning author with no cares in the world. Riiiight.

I headed toward the table set up just for me at the head of the line. A stack of my books was piled on it. I cringed.

I sat down in the only chair there, and Jean stood behind me. That annoyed me. Don't you think they could show a little courtesy for her. I grabbed a passing worker as they walked by. He looked at me startled.

"Do you think you could grab a chair for my lovely publicist right here?" The boy was barely older than I was. He even squeaked.

"Sure Mr. Sike. B R B." The sad thing was, he actually said the letters B R B. I shook my head pathetically. Sometimes I feel like the only sane person left in the world.

A young girl stood before me at the front of the line. She already held a copy of my book in her trembling hands. She stepped forward, handing it to me.

"M-Mr. Sike's. Could you sign this to Becca please?" I smiled at her.

"Sure sweetheart." I scribbled out a cute little message signing it was xoxo Daniel. "Just curious darling, but how long did you have to stand here to be first in line." She smiled lightly at me.

"I've been here since six this morning." My jaw dropped.The store didn't open till ten! And it was two now! She laughed at me. "Yeah. It was a really close call too, the next person showed up about twenty minutes later." I was in awe. People really waited that long to meet me. I shook Becca's hand and the line moved on to the next person.

For the next two hours, I signed book after book after book. I had to take a break in the middle, my hand had cramped really bad. Finally, one person was left. I barely looked up when they handed me their book.

"Name?" I sounded really tired, and kind of annoyed. I didn't mean to be.

"Can you make it out to Blake?" I could feel the vein in my forehead pulsating. I could feel my stomach jump into my throat and my hand wouldn't move. This could not possibly be happening. I looked up.

A young man stood in front of me, about my age. He had light blonde hair and aristocratic features. He had very bright blue eyes and a charming smile. Not my Blake. Not even close. My Blake is gone.

"Is something wrong?" He asked me, sounding concerned.

"Nope. Nothing." I signed his book, finishing my name with a flourish. "Just a cramp."
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