My Drug, Intoxicated

Chapter Fifteen

Danny's P.O.V.

"Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey." I groaned. I hate wake up calls.

"I'm a fucking vegetarian Jean. What do you want?" I opened my eyes a crack to see my overzealous Editor poking my face. She giggled.

"You've got a book signing! And then another. And then sleep. And then more tomorrow. Excited?" I groaned again, rolling over and putting a pillow over my face.

"Leave me alone." My voice came out muffled and indistinct. I heard her turn on the TV.

"Here. I already laid out your clothes. The TV's on because I know you won't go back to sleep and I hid the remote. Now get up, take your shower and get dressed. You have forty minutes." I heard her walk away, slamming the door shut.

I hate mornings. Stupid, stupid mornings.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes and shaking my head.

"Last night a man was found unconsious and almost beaten to death on Crescent Street. If you have any information on the attackers whereabouts please call this numb--" I shut off the TV. I hated noise in the morning. I stood up, stretching out as I scratched my stomach. I looked over at the mirror above the hotel room desk and noticed my hair was sticking up at odd angles and I has some scary-ass black bags under my eyes. Oh yeah, definitely shower time.

I took my time in the shower, wasting more than half of my allotted time from Jean. Indoor heated showers have to be one of the best inventions ever created. I stepped out, toweling myself off as I walked into my room. I wonder what clothes Jean picked for me today.

Hmm, black boxers, black slacks, green button up. I'm surprised she's letting me pick my own shoes. She's very picky about these things. Technically she's only my editor, but she's also my publicist, stylist and mother. Even when I don't want her to be.

"Are you done yet? You have five minutes." Jean was banging on my door. I sighed. So impatient. I walked over to my door, still in the towel. I whipped open the door, almost hitting myself in the face.

"Learn patience, you must, young padawan." I promptly slammed the door shut, smiling and walking over to my bed. I threw on my clothes and combed my hair through with my fingers. I grabbed some old converse and slipped out the door. Jean was still standing there, exactly where i'd left her. "God Jean, why're you just standing around, don't we have stuff to do?" She glared at me.

"Go downstairs. Grab a bagel or something, you're looking thin. Hurry up though, we gotta go." I glanced down at myself. I looked the same to me. "Stop checking yourself out. Hurry up." I shoved her to the side as I walked past, making sure to run to the elevator as I turned the corner. I ran in, hit the ground floor and the close door buttons. I could see Jean as she walked around the corner and I waved to her as her eyes widened and the elevator door closed. Haha. You just got served, Jean.

I smiled to myself as the doors opened.

"Thought you could win hah?" My eyes widened as Jean stood in front of me. "I took the stairs, biotch." Jean and I always played this game where we tried to be the first ones downstairs. I don't know how she always beats me...

"Whatever. I'm gonna grab a bagel." I stalked off toward the dining room. She called to me from behind.

"Whatever. Grab me one. Cream cheese. I'll meet you at the car." I cooked both our bagels and balanced them in one hand as I walked outside. She was sitting on the hood of a dark SUV. "Get in. We've got five minutes to get somewhere ten minutes away." I obliged her wish, hopping in the front seat and handing her her bagel.

"You know you really shouldn't eat when you're drivi--" She cut me off.

"Shut up. I wouldn't have to if you hadn't made us late. Let me eat in piece." She turned on the stereo, turning on a random station. Music filtered through the speakers.

"Fix me to a chain around your neck and wear me like a nickel.
Even new wine served in old skins cheapens the taste.
I shot the pilot, now I'm begging you to fly this for me.
I'm here for you to use, broken and bruised.
Do you understand?"

Jean clicked it off.

"Well that was depressing. I need to look up some new bands to listen to. In fact, i'll check some on my laptop while you're busy being a star. Speaking of which, we're here, in case you didn't notice.." I looked out the window. A huge, looming bookstore sat in front of this. I must have been really zoning out to not see this when we drove up. "Okay, so get your little butt in there and start signing. We're a little late." I nodded.

I walked over to the front door and stepped inside. A large group of people stood there waiting and a loud murmur broke out when I entered. I smiled, waving. I don't want to be here I repeated over in my head. I walked over to the table, pinning a smile on my face. The first person in line walked over to me, commenting on his appreciation of the book and handing it over to be signed. One down. Million to go.

Three hours later, I sat at the empty table with my head in my hands.

"How many people bought this book. Really Jean? This is ridiculous. Three hours of signing?! And I have another signing in," I glanced at my watch. "Two hours. I don't think my hand can recover by then." She barely glanced up from where she was playing on her laptop.

"Suck it up. This is your job. Anyway, we'll go grab some lunch and then head over to the other signing. You have a few hours to relax tonight, and about half of tomorrow." She closed her laptop, and put it into her bag. "So let's head out to the car. Where do you want to eat?" I shrugged.

"Food is food." She gave me a look.

"Danny. We're in New York. This is the time for you to have anything, and I mean anything to eat." I shrugged again. "You. Are hopeless." We walked over to the car and she clicked the unlock button, hopping into the drivers seat. "Oh yeah, so I forgot to tell you. I found a couple local Indie bands while I was waiting for you. Some are playing an early show tonight. It's right after your signing. Do you want to go?" I looked her at her. A show? This was a little out of Jean's character.

"Who's playing." She frowned.

"Let me see if I can remember. The headliners are some Jersey punk band called Toxic Carrion and the other bands are Yo Adrian, The Gammas, and Yield to the Blind. So, do you wanna go." I shrugged again.

♠ ♠ ♠
First of all, this is kind of filler-ish.
I know.
I'm sorry.
I'm trying to get better at details and putting more stuff in.
But this is semi-important, we're establishing Danny's life right now.
I think they're going to meet next chapter.
So be excited :D
Also, Five stars?

Secondly, Toxic Carrion was a band name by Chemistry teacher came up with.
Gotta love her :]
Yo, Adrian and The Gammas are all local bands that live around here, and I like their names and music.
Yield to the Blind....well you better know who's band that is.

Okay, thirdly, I know I don't have pictures of the guys so i've been looking for some.
I'm thinking that I want Danny to resemble Gaspard Ulliel. Plus, I figured that scar on Gaspards face from a dog bite could plausibly be a scar danny has from his beatings.

Danny 1
Danny 2

Intentionally, I planned for Danny to be of a more dark skin type, but I haven't found a good picture for him, so if you guys have any ideas, feel free to tell me, send pictures, give ideas, anything.

I haven't quite found a picture for Blake yet, who's supposedly really fair, blonde hair, goldish eyes. Obviously, Twilight pictures are the only thing that pop up when I look for that, and I don't really want him to look like any of those characters.

Fourth, that song was the No Seatbelt Song.
Love itttt.

LAST, I went back through and got all these names.
And I just want to thank everyone who's commented and stuff :]

Aiden Burn's
Unapologetic Apathy
baby zay
Devy! Sullivan
Falling Fair.
the sky is falling;

I think that's everyone's name.
Yell at me if I missed you =P
