My Drug, Intoxicated

Chapter Nineteen

Danny's P.O.V.

"So. What happens now?" I asked Blake as he sat next to me on the couch. We weren't quite cuddling but our bodies curved toward each other and our hands were intertwined. That was good enough for me right now. Three years is a long time.

"I don't know." He ran his free hand through his hair, which was shorter than when I last saw him. It no longer swept across his face, it just rested above his eyebrows and made his eyes look bright and dramatic. "My band's tour is just ending, we live here in New York. Do you want to stay here with me for a while?"

Blake, I can't." His face fell and I felt bad.

"Sorry it was a stupid suggestion," he mumbled more to himself than me. I shook my head.

"It's not stupid. I just can't stay here. I would if I could, but with the book deal and everything, there's a contract and all sorts of legal things I can't fight. After the book tour is over I can come visit you." He nodded, his head still slightly drooped.

Both of our heads snapped up as the door flew open.

"Excuse me, but I have an idea." I stared up at Jean wide-eyed.

"Have you been listening to us?" She shook her head, her curls flying about.

"No. Yes. What does it matter. I have an idea." Blake looked over at me, mouthing the words 'who is she?

"She's my publiscist slash editor. What's your idea?" She grinned wickedly.

"I'm not only your publicist, I have other clients as well." I raised my eyebrows at her, confused.

"No you don't." Her grin grew wider, if it was possible.

"Aha, as of two minutes ago, I became publicist and management of upcoming band Yield to the Blind." Blake and I looked at each other confused. "Which means, I am immediately booking them on tour, one that coincidently follows the cities that Danny Sike's book tour is taking. Sadly, you're going to have to share your bus. Think you can handle being cramped with three more guys twenty-four hours a day?" I threw myself off the couch, latching onto her legs."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. You're the best best friend ever. Ever!" She giggled, kicking me off.

"Okay, enough already, go back to your boy over there, he looks left out." I glanced back at Blake as she said that, and yeah, he did look a little sad and puppy-dog like. I stood up, giving Jean a real hug.

"Thanks Jean, I really mean it." She shrugged.

"You weren't going to be my only client forever. And they were actually really good. I'll start researching some labels for them to join. Don't you worry, they'll be set." I looked at her oddly.

"Do you even have that much power? I mean, you're kind of scary Jean. You just set them up a tour in five minutes and now you're getting them a label. Is there something you need to tell me?" She grinned.

"Later. Now scoot. I've got work to do." She turned around, her heels clacking against the hallway as she walked away. I walked back over to where Blake was sitting. He looked dazed.

"You going to be okay?" He shook his head, then nodded.

"Yeah. I think so. That all just happened really fast. I bet Fizz and Jerry are freaking out right now. I mean, I should be. But," he turned to look at me, smiling lightly. "You are way more important than the band, so this news just pales in comparison to half an hour ago, when I found out I wasn't seeing dead people a la Sixth Sense."

"Well, I always knew you were alive...well, I'd hoped so. I just never knew if and where i'd find you. And here, out of the blue, a random man comes up to me, asks me if your name is real, and brings me to a live show where you're singing your heart out. It's like magic." I snuggled close to him. "That Jerry, must be a really amazing friend." Blake looked away from me to a vodka bottle abandoned on the floor, an odd look crossing his face.

"You really have no idea."
♠ ♠ ♠
For the past two months, I have been wayyy too scared to check my subscribers, because i'm two months overdue on this update, and I was like "NONE OF THEM WILL STILL BE SUBSCRIBED!"
Aha. Only one of you unsubscribed.
And that makes me so feel so happy and loved :] <3
Well enjoy.
And word to the wise, of course nothing stays happy forever ;]
