My Drug, Intoxicated

Chapter Twenty

Blake's P.O.V.

"I can't believe this is really happening. Still." I was lying on the couch of the bus, Danny lying half on top of me, his head on my chest, my hand weaving through his hair. Everyone else was in bed.

"I know, me neither. It's odd that we'd run into each other in a city so big as New York." I smiled, looking down on him.

"To think, I have Jerry to thank for that. I'll never be able to repay him for this." Danny laughed, causing my chest to shake along with him.

"I think you already have. I caught him and Jean making out in the mini-bathroom this morning." I twitched.

"That's a weird mental image." We both laughed now, causing the old couch to creak slightly.

"Stop having sex out there you nasties." Jean's yell was muffled through the door.

"Only if you stop raping Jerry." That shut her up. We went back to cuddling quietly and eventually fell asleep.


"Shit." I woke up from the noise and looked down to see Danny had fallen on the floor. The driver apologized and Danny grumbled, climcing back up with me.

"We've stopped, want to go for a walk." He nodded, running his hand through his bed head. Both of us were wearing the same clothes as yesterday but it didn't really matter. Not many people were up at five in the morning.

"How long are we stopped for Jack?" Jack was our driver. I felt bad that I didn't know his name at first but now we're one big happy family.

"About half an hour, tops. I'm going to grab some breakfast and fuel up, then we're heading over to the hotel. We're way ahead of schedual." I nodded, my hair falling in my face.

"We'll be back in time." I grabbed Danny's head, leading him off the bus. We were at a gas station off the highway. There was a park nearby and we were about ten minutes from the city. It was still mostly dark but I could see a path up ahead. "The sun's about to come up." Danny looked at me. "Let's go find a place to watch it." We walked hand in hand up the hill, silence overtaking us. The path ended near a field that was probably corn. We sat on its outskirts, Danny curled into my side.

The sun was just beginning to rise and it turned everything a wonderful golden-orange color.

"I love you." I laid my head on top of Danny's.

"I love you too."

"Blake." I turned to look at him. "Everything's going to work out right?" I smiled.

"Danny. We may be young but I know that I love you and I always will. We've been through so much together and apart, and these things have only made me love you more. Living in Los Angeles feels like it was a lifetime ago when really it's only been a little over three years. Whether everything works out or not doesn't matter to me, as long as you're with me. Screw the band. Screw your book. I love you. Okay?"

He nodded and we laid there together, watching the sun move up and the sky gradually turn bluer. You could faintly hear Jack honk the horn in the distance, his shallow yells fading into the backround. All I heard was the soft breeze and the gentle sound of Danny's breathing next to me, the feeling of his chest moving near mine.

It was here, it was now, and it was perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
The End.

Edit: Well shittttt, my subscribers are dropping like flies with no comments. You guys seem a little mad that i'm ending this, eh?
I'm really sorry.
I just really don't know what to do with it.
I've grown bored, so i'm just letting Danny and Blake be happy.

So yes, not the best end.
I apologize.
But in my mind this story's been going slightly downhill for a while, and really, I didn't know what else to do with them
So here you go.
I hope you enjoyed the journey, and if you stay tuned, I have the most delightful new idea for a slash coming up.
Believe me, it's nothing you've ever read before.
And I know everyone says that, but damn, am I serious.

I'll give you a little hint, but you have to work for it.


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Little hangman anyone?

Link to the new story, maybe it will give you a shove in the right direction.
