My Drug, Intoxicated

Chapter Two


I ran my hands through my hair as I sat outside the principal's office. Soon enough, my dad walked out the door, his face expressionless. He grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the office, and then the school to his car.

"Get in." His teeth were now clenched and his face was turning a dark shade of purple. I slid into the passenger side and was about to buckle up when suddenly I was up against the window. The crack reverberated. His ring caught my forehead, opening up a deep gash. I was seeing red. Blood red.

"What. The. Fuck. Kind. Of. Stunt. Was. That? Don’t you ever, ever, do anything like that again, you hear me? If I get called from work one more time, you are out of my house." I laughed.

"Work? You call that work? I doubt your prostitutes will mind much if you're gone for an hour of two. They're probably celebrating it." He hit me again, my neck cracking, it whipped around so fast. I could feel the blood vessels breaking near my eye.

"Don't talk to your father like that boy. Now you've been suspending for three days. I don't wanna see you during the day, I have work to do. So find something to do. If I see your face, you WILL regret being born, and more than I already regret it. Your mother was a slut and a bitch and I wish she would've fallen down the stairs instead of having you. Now stay outta my way. End of discussion." I said nothing, curling up into the corner of the seat, leaning as far away from his as possible. We drove home in silence.

Our apartment was old and run-down. It had one bedroom, which my father used, and I slept on the old, ragged couch in the living room. I had to be up before him, because when he woke up he liked to come sit on the couch, watch some TV and drink his morning beer. I usually walked to Danny's before school. We used to live in the same building but they moved to a slightly better place last year, so he was around the block.

Dad walked into his room, and started to yell at me again. I walked out the door before I had to hear anymore. I cradled my head as I walked down the stairs. My neighbor walked by me on their way up, disregarding me completely. I shook my head. People.

It barely took anytime to get to Danny's. He was still in school, but I had my own key. I let myself in and grabbed a wet cloth, draping it over my head, meaning to clean the cuts off in a minute. Then I swallowed eight painkillers. I went to lay on his bed, to rest my eyes. But soon I was in a deep slumber.


I walked away from school, a dark cloud above my head. Danny never returned to class. Which meant he was probably suspened. Which mood darkened even more. His father had to come get him. Shit! I had to get home now!

I ran the fifteen blocks. It only took a couple minutes. I rushed up the stairs to my apartment. He'd definitely be there, not at his house. After fumbling with the keys, I got the door open. I quickly walked in, locking the door behind me. I looked around. He wasn't there. But there was a bloodstain near the sink. I started to panic.

Breathe in.
Breath out.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.

Oh my god. What if he's dead. I started to tear up as I searched the rest of the apartment. He wasn't in the bathroom, or my mom's room. I looked in my room. He was just lying there, like a rag doll.

I ran up to him and shook his shoulders.

"Wake up Blake. Goddamn! Don't die on me. Jesus Christ, I love you. Don't die on me man!" He groaned.

"Oh, my head." He started to sit up and I grabbed his shoulders to steady him.

"I thought you were unconcious or in a fucking coma man! Don't do that to me." I held him close and wrapped my arms around him. He curled up into me.

"I'm fine. I just took some painkillers and fell asleep." I sighed. Not again.

"How many painkillers did you take Blake?"

"Erm. I think eight?" I sighed again.

"What the hell have I told you about that. You're gonna ruin your liver and your stomach. They have doses on them for a reason." He made a whimper type noise and stayed in my lap.

"C'mon, lets get you cleaned up." I grabbed his arm and helped him to the bathroom, sitting him down on the toilet. I tilted his head so he was looking up at me. His light golden eyes were full of pain. I grabbed a wet cloth and slowly started to wash the now dry blood off. When that was done, I got out disinfectant to clean out the cut. It was a pretty big one.

"Okay, this might sting." He bit his lip as I swabbed it over the cut. When that was done, I looked over his eye.

"Yeah you're gonna have a pretty bad black eye, okay? And this cut might need stitches." He shook his head.

"Put some butterfly band-aids on it and i'm good to go. And the black eye? Everyone will believe i've been in a fight. Besides i'm suspended for three days. Dad says i'm not allowed to stay home though."

"Well you'll stay here. I'll stay with you of course." He looked up at me.

"You would do that? You can't miss school because of me Danny." I shook my head and laughed.

"Blake, look back on everything we've done in the past. I wasn't called Blake's Boy for nothing." He laughed too. His hand brushed over my cheek.

"My little dark angel." I had to swallow a gasp. I wanted to tell him I loved him. Like loved him, so badly. His hand dropped. "Okay, we'll hang out for the next three days." He stood up and walked out of the bathroom. I followed him. This conversation would have to wait till another day. Or, never.
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Rhyming for every short description is kinda hard haha.

Feedback is cool.

-Izzy :]