My Drug, Intoxicated

Chapter Four


I haven't seen Danny since the day I left his apartment. He never came back to school, and I never went to see him. This guilt is eating me alive.

I slammed my locker shut, heading toward the doors to leave. I needed to get out of here. The clack of heels behind me caught my attention.

"Blake, baby baby, what are we doing tonight?" Stella came up behind me and hugged me from behind. I pushed her off of me. "What the fuck Blake. You're so fucking cold." She started to storm off but I grabbed her wrist.

"Stella, I think we're over." She just looked at me. "I'm sorry." I let go of her wrist and started to walk away.

"Are you fucking kidding me? God, I knew this would fucking happen. Go find your fucking boyfriend, you queer." I winced as her words stung me. Did everyone think I was gay but me? I mean, i'm straight...I am.

But I had to find out what happened to my best friend, fast.

I headed over to his apartment after school, running throught the streets and up the stairs as fast as I could. Huffing out of breath, I knocked on his door. After a few seconds it opened.

"Danny--" I gasped, out of breathe. "I'm sorry, where've you bee--"

"Can I help you?" I looked up at the middle aged woman who opened the door. She was deffinitely not Danny or his mom.

"I--um. Where's Danny?" She looked at me.

"I just moved in yesterday. You must be refering to the previous owners, they got evicted last week. Something about not paying rent the past two months. I'm sorry I can't tell you more." She shut the door in my face.

I slid down the wall, cradling my head in my hands. Where's Danny? Where did he go?


I pulled my jacket tighter around me and shivered against the stone wall. It was getting colder and colder out. I needed to find some place to stay, soon. Blake hated me, I had no where else to go without him.

I looked up toward the sky. Through the pollution I could tell it was going to storm. Bad.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun Dun Dun?
