My Drug, Intoxicated

Chapter Five


I searched everywhere. All our hideaways, the corner store, the museum, a decrepit old warehouse no one used. He wasn't anywhere. I don't know what I can do without Danny. He's been there for me through everything. And I had to be there for him now. Our friendship was not going to end because he loved me. It's a minor...problem, but i'll still always be there for him.

I walked throughout the city. Day faded into night and I kept walking. It got chilly at night and I needed to find Danny before anything bad happens to him...if something bad hasn't happened already.


I was sitting in an alley, huddled next to an old dumpster with a grimy, tattered blanket I had found. I was about to try and get to sleep, even though I knew it would take hours to fall asleep with this ache in my bones. This empty, hungry, heart-wrenching ache.

"Hey? You. Don't I know you?" I looked up toward the sound. A big, burly young man stood at the front of the alley, two of his friends standing behind him. He grinned at me. I started to feel a little hopeful. "Aren't you that fag that goes to my school?" My heart sank.

He walked towards me, his friends falling obediently behind. "What's a matter? Boyfriend break up with you?" He pulled me up by the scruff of my collar, slamming me to my feet. He leaned in close, his nose almost touching mine. "You know what? I really, really hate homos." I barely saw his fist move...but I felt it. I sank to my knees, holding my jaw.

He laughed, and kicked me in the ribs. "What's a matter you cocksucker, can't handle a little tough love." He punched me again, catching me in the side of the head. "Fight back, pussy." I laid still where he left me. Did I have a reason to live? He caught me in the head again, with his foot this time. "What, you not even gunna talk?" He kicked me in the ribs repeatedly.

"Pathetic." He spit on my bleeding form, walking away with a swing in his step and a laugh in his voice. I tried to move but it hurt. I rolled over to my side and coughed. It was red, crimson red.


I walked through the streets, my jacket wrapped tight around me. Danny was nowhere to be found. I passed by a corner street vendor and noticed a couple thugs from my school, leaning against a wall and laugh loudly. There little leader was standing closest to me.

"Did you see what he looked like after. Pathetic fag."

"Fucking homosexuals."

"Got what he fucking deserved."

I hurridly walked by them, but not before noticing that his boots turned the sidewalks red beneath it. I walked around the corner after seeing them, and stopped. You don't think, I mean, it couldn't possibly be Danny they were talking about, could it? I turned around.

"Where the fuck is he?" They stopped laughing and looked at me. The leader took a step forward, a dark glint in his eyes. He laughed.

"Haha that fag? Around the corner. Hopefully he's already dead."

I was already running.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the multiple P.O.V switches.
Hope you like it.
One more update for tonight if I get a little lovee?
