My Drug, Intoxicated

Chapter Six


I stared down at Danny's beautiful face. I never really noticed what he looked like before. I mean, I did. He had dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and a permanent tan. But I never really noticed. His hair curled slightly as the end and his eyelashes were a mile long. He had a tiny dimple in his left cheek and his nose ended in a perfect curve. And right now, he was pale. I mean, his skin was still a nice brown, but he had a deathly pallor.

I've never looked at a guy like I was looking at Danny. I mean, I like girls. I really do.


There's something about Danny that makes me stomach tighten; that makes my breath catch in my throat.

Jesus Christ i'm an idiot.

I love my best friend. I'm a bi-sexual, confused, idiot who's in love with his best friend. Am I really that blind?

Looking down at Danny's perfect face i'd say yes, yes I am.

Right now, my realization seems a little too late.

Danny's been in a coma for two weeks, with no sign of brain activity. My selfishness, my desire to be normal, to resist what I really felt, has resulted in my true love in a coma, never knowing how I feel. He's. In. A. Coma. He might never wake up. And it's all my fault.

Grabbing onto Danny's hand, I laid my head unto his chest, listening to the lull of his heartbeat. Which thankfully, was still there. This is how I fell asleep every night. The night shift didn't care if I was in here not during visiting hours. Danny had no family and they knew if no one claimed him, he would be taken off of life support soon.

I was spending every last minute of his sleeping life holding his hand, because I should have held it when he was awake.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

I couldn't open my eyes. I tried to, but it felt like they were glued shut. Everything hurt. Everything ached. Voices were everywhere around me but I couldn't understand anything they said. My head was pounding, like the worst hangover you could ever get. I tried to move my hand, to wipe my eyes, but nothing moved.

I tried to wiggle my toes.


I tried to turn my head.


I started to panic. I couldn't move. Was I paralyzed? Was I dead? Is that why I couldn't see anything? Why were there voices? What was going on?

What could be going on?

The pain in my head grew and I could see stars behind my lids, glowing masterpieces of waves and color.

And everything went dark.
♠ ♠ ♠
I would've had this up yesterday but my internet wasn't working.
Sorry bout that.
More up within the next couple days :]
