My Drug, Intoxicated

Chapter Eight


I looked down at the boy in front of me, his small frame barely taking up any of the bed. I brushed back the hair that fell into his eyes.

He's so young.

I thought back to the boy who stayed with him the entire time he was here. Such a devoted, loving boy. I hope everything is okay with him, and maybe someday he'll love again.

I called in the doctor. I was the witness for today. My job is to record the time of death.

The doctor strolled in, no care in the world. Maybe he was used to this, but I wasn't. He walked over to the bed and stood in front of the machines. He looked back at me and I nodded. He began to push a couple buttons and undo a couple cords. I watched as the EKG in front of me slowed down and the spikes got smaller and smaller. And eventually they stopped.

Then something strange happened.


"Did you record the time of death Evans?" He didn't even turn around.

"Doctor!" He looked at me annoyed.

"What?" I pointed toward the machine.

"Is that what I think that is?"


I was no longer looking down at myself. Now, I was myself, curled up in the fetal position on the floor. Shakily, I stood up. Looking around, all I could see was endless black. Except. Right there.

Walking toward that speck of light, I could see a forest. It was almost glowing. The trees were covered in buzzing fire-flys. For some reason, my senses were pulling me forward. I walked through the trees, following no sense of path, just walking, until I came upon a clearing.

Sitting in the very middle was a middle-aged man on a stump.

"Are you God?" The man laughed at me.

"No. Do you believe in God?" I had to think about it. I'd never really believe in him before, but for some reason when I found this man, it was the first question I thought of.

"I don't know," I shrugged. He laughed again.

"Good answer. Truthfully, i'm just your imagination in human form." I stood there dumbfounded.

"My imagination has a human form?" He looked at me stupidly.

"Well obviously. Anyway, i'm here to inform you you're dead." I stared at him openmouthed. "No! No! Not dead, sorry, dying." I felt relieved. "My bad. Anyway, you're in a coma and the doctor's are taking you off of life support. It's my job to see whether you would like to die and escape peacefully, or if you want to try and fight for your life."

It was difficult trying to comprehend what he was saying. I don't know if I had anything left to live for. Except Danny.

"Tick tock. There's not much time to decide small one." I glared at him. My mother hated me. My father left when I was young. I was gay and picked on. Danny didn't love me. This really didn't seem to be a hard question. "Oh, by the way. That friend of yours, he hasn't left your bedside for two weeks," he smirked at me. "Not that, i'm trying to help you decide or anything." I glared at him again, but then I realized something.

Wait, what? Danny never left me. Oh my god.

"How do I get back home?" I asked him. He smiled at me.

"You already are."

"Doctor! Doctor he's alive!" I groaned out loud. Why did everything hurt so bad. I tried to open my eyes, and for the first time in what felt like ever, I could.

Ouch. I closed them again. Everything was really bright. I felt a hot breathe on my right ear.

"Can you hear me young man." I tried to speak but I couldn't. So, I just nodded.

"Is your name Danny Rivers?" I nodded again.

"Do you want me to help you sit up a little and we can dim the lights for you to see." I nodded again. I could feel someones hands on the small of my back and suddenly I was at an angle.

I felt nauseous.

"See if you can open your eyes." I cracked them open a little bit and sighed. This was much better. I looked around and say a pretty nurse holding me, and a doctor standing back with an amazed look in his eye. The room I was in was an off-white color and it was full of equipment. Looking down and seeing the needles in my hand, I realized most of it was attatched to me.

"Danny. You've just come out of a coma. We need to keep you here for a few days to observe, but other than that it's okay. Can you talk yet?" I opened my mouth to speak but it felt really dry. "Wait, i'll get you some water!" The nurse reached toward another table and brought me back a glass. She held it to my lips and I sipped at it, letting it wash over my tongue. "Can you talk now?"

"Yes." My voice came out hoarse and low, sounding nothing like my own. She smiled at me. The doctor came over and whispered something in her ear and her face darkened.

"Okay Danny, someone has to come in and ask you a few questions." I nodded at her.

Before I knew it an older woman in a blue skirt suit came in and sat next to me.

"Where is your mother Danny?" I looked at her and my face hardened.

"Who are you?" My voice sounded a little better than time.

"My name is Rebecca Daniels and i'm from the Child Protective Services."


Shrugging my backpack farther up on my shoulder I walked further down the highway. Any time now, Danny would be dead...and so would part of me. Probably the best part, if I had one.

I lifted my hand to the sky, shielding my eyes from the blinding sunrise. Today was a new day.

Today was the first day of the rest of my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Did you really think I could kill him?
