Status: Updates pending; story re-started; significant changes; world and its politics changed

The Vampyre War

Intro - before you meet the blinding sun.

There are two types of vampires, Psions and Sangs.

Psi Vampires are the mental counterpart to the popular Sang vampire. Nobody likes a newborn Psi vampire - they are killed on sight by Sang vampires. They are very noticeable, as their irises tend to disappear for a few months upon transformation. Psi vampires also do not feed (or rather, do not consciously go on a hunt) during their first few months of transformation, because they just suck all of the energy (in any of its forms) from everything around them, making everything cold, dark, soundless, colourless, and still. This is why majority of our kind does not like them (majority being Sang vampires) and attempt to kill them on sight - a Sang that is near a Psi Mind that was created within the last few days will be killed quickly by energy transfer.

Psion Minds are the in-between of Sangs and Vampyres, but are there very own branch of vampire. On a tree, from top to bottom, would be:

[Ancients]- [Psion Mind Vampyres, and strangely a Sang Carnivore]
Psion Mind Vampyre
Psion Blood Vampyres
Sang Omnivore Vampyres
Psi- Blood- Herbivore =- [Psi-Mind (morph)]
Psi- Blood- Omnivore
Sang- Omnivore
Sang- Herbivore
Sang- Carnivore

Psi Mind vampires are the only branch in the Tree of Power, which is literally the way we all rank each other.

Psi Differences:

Carnivore: This includes, but is not limited to, the cannibal Psions. These guys are the ones that feed on blood, people, or animals. They don't have to eat the animals or the people, but they feed on them. The Psions that are omnivorous are included in this category.

Herbivore: The Psions limited to ONLY plants and non-living prey. These vampires can only feed off of these things for ethical reasons; they are the Psi vampire vegetarians.

Psions sometimes say that they are Sanguinarain vampires in order to blend in, as Sang vampires are the most dominating and well known type of vampire. Most new Psi vampires are killed off by the Sang newborns because of prejudice. The only way to tell the difference between a new Sang and a new Psi is their eyes; the Sangs retain a human eye color and the Psi eyes morph to white. The colour will change over a month, and look like an iris, but the colour is intense and very vivid. The younger a Psi vampire is, the more likely it is a human looking into their eyes ("the window to your soul") will get sucked into their multi-layered mind, and may come out in another universe.

A Psion vampire is not to be underestimated. Usually they will never lose touch through the transformation process - they can still evaluate their surroundings. The difference between them and Sangs is that once a Psion feels threatened, they immediately begin to suck energy from everywhere, and time begins to slow down for them (not literally - their minds just process everything so much faster than normal). The excess energy and ability to act without the consequences of time passing makes them very hard to oppose. Sang vampires are physically strong, and their muscles never weaken or tire because they do not use their lungs; oxygen is sucked through their skin and capillaries (present right under their equivalent of the dermis) take the oxygen to their muscles. Sangs have oxygen preserves all over their body and can go without fresh oxygen for a little over a week.

Sang vampire differences:

Carnivore: Usually prideful of their strict anthropoid blood diet (usually only human. I met one who only drank gorilla and human). These are the majority of vampires, the easiest to manipulate, and also the most likely to rebel and try to spread the secret. Hundreds of strict carnivores are killed a year, mostly newborns. Newborns tend to crave human blood the way humans crave salt and sugar. With dense human population, their easily addled minds, and the flood of new sensory imput, these guys go crazy and start acting a fool. Older Carnivores? No such thing. After a while, the "strictly carnivores" grow out of their childish phase and see that they were being silly, and generally regret it.

Herbivore: These are like the human "health freaks" of our world. I never got over one of the ones who only drank of sugar cane plants and lemurs. He died within two months. Sang vampires really do need human blood once in a while, but rats, with whom humans share many genes, are actually a fairly good substitute and will allow one to go for many years without drinking human blood. The maximum is about a decade, because of one nutrient or another humans have that Sangs absolutely need.

Omnivore: The usual, not brainwashed Sang is an omnivore. Because that's the maximum amount of nutrients! Human here, bobcat there, maybe drink some carrot juice for a laugh (they usually do drink plant juices here and there for the nutrients. Many share calcium rocks together for a large boost in calcium, which keeps their skin tough and can literally make your skin go from badly wounded and torn, which makes them very obvious to humans because of the silvery sheen, to fully healed and strong in a few hours), and some naughty Sangs eat chocolate, which boosts serotonin in Sangs the way it does in humans, but they are very sensitive to it.

Cults: Sang carnivores tend to operate by creating cults of humans, and will have them commit suicide in a manner that keeps their blood in them. They will then store the blood or binge on it. Some have the cult worship them, and sometimes drug the followers, put them in large moving machines, and take them to wild places, having them sacrifice one of them one by one, and feed.


I am one of these! These are just the morphed vampires. Morphing is an interesting subject- sometimes a Sang vampire will morph into a Psi Mind vampire, and then a Psy Mind vampire morphs into a Sang Vampyre.

Vampyres are essentially super powerful Psi vampires (who deal with energy manipulation, directing it into them), and are able to manipulate energy in other ways - we can suck it in, and then compress it and let it loose, blasting anything near us away from us at hundreds of kilometers a second. Some of us were transformed into Vampyres off the bat, but this is extremely rare. Vampyres usually morph from Psion Mind vampires whose minds as humans were very powerful, but get lost by the physical aspect of becoming a vampire. As soon as a human is transformed, suddenly there are a million more things you can process. If you're transformed into a Psion, time also stops, and you're suddenly able to feel energy all around you, and you crave it, bringing it into yourself. The world is a place of sparkling diamonds supercharged with warmth, light, magnetism, colours- and you bring them all into you, you make it yours!

So those people get very distracted. Then, maybe in a few weeks, all of a sudden, not only are you able to feel the energy and bring it into you - you control it, compress it, expand it, change its form, etc. You can ignite the oxygen in the air by changing light energy into heat energy and compressing it. All sorts of neat things.