Like Vines, We Intertwine

Just Trying To Help

Chapter 15
(Ryan’s POV)
A couple days later we were back on tour. You would think that things would be the same, but no, everyone is treating me like I’m five. Seriously, I know they are looking out for me, but this is getting annoying. I’ve been snapping at every one ever since we got back. It doesn’t help the fact that I had an encounter with Charlotte. And it also doesn’t help the fact that I’ve been trying to get close with Erelin, but I’m growing farther and farther away from her. I think from everyone, I’ve been snapping at her the most. And all that’s she’s been doing is maybe getting me water or just wanting to talk. Actually it seems like she really wants to talk, and I do want to talk to her. I do want to become close to her, but… I seriously don’t know what’s wrong with me. We just finished up with San Francisco and heading off to LA. We weren’t leaving yet. We had a couple hours to go. I decided to outside and sit on the stairs in the back of venue near the buses.

“Hey…” Erelin said as she sat down next to me.

“Hey.” I said.

“How you feelin’?” She said as she was chipping at her black nail polish.

“Why does everyone keep saying that to me?” I said with frustration.

“Everyone’s just looking out for you, Ryan.

“And why do you care? We always fight. We always give each other deadly glares. Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?”

“Because I know how you feel.”

That was it. She pushed that last nerve I had.

“ ‘Because I know how you feel.’” I said mimicking her while getting up.

“Why the fuck does everyone have to say that?!?! They don’t know how I feel. You especially don’t know how I feel. You don’t know what it’s like to loose a parent. You don’t what I’m going through. I’m fucking hurt. I loved my dad.” I screamed at her as I towered over her.

We stared eye to each other when I notice a tear roll down from the corner of her eye. She wiped it away really quickly and got up.

“You have some nerve to say that to me. You have no fucking right to say what you just said to me. ‘You don’t know what it’s like to loose a parent?’ Really, I don’t? Then I guess we buried my mother by mistake then.” She said as she glared at me.

“What?” I said, confused.

“You said, ‘You don’t know what it’s like to loose a parent.’ When in fact I do. I lost my mom when I was 12. 12, Ryan!!! You spent 19 years with your dad. I’ve spent 12 with my mom. I already know what you’re going through because I’m still going through it. I came here to make a mends and tell you that I’m here. That I know what you’re going through. That I don’t want to watch you go through the same mistakes I went through after my mom past away. I came here to tell you that you can come to me because I know what you’re going through. But hey, since I don’t know what you’re going through, then fine… my services aren’t available anymore.” She said. She glared at me and then turned around to walk away.

“Erelin…” I said as I grabbed her hand.

“No, don’t talk to me. I hope that made you feel like an asshole. Think before you speak, sometimes.” She said as she let go and walked away.

I scratched my head with frustration and kicked the wall.
“I just had to ruin that one didn’t I?” I said.