Like Vines, We Intertwine

Dreaming The Truth

I stirred awake as I could softly hear my sidekick go off, and the vibrate shake my whole bed. I grabbed it and picked it up.

"Hello?" I said grumpily from being called at 2 in the morning.

"I hate you. I can't believe you." a girl sobbed over the phone.

"Who is this?" I asked in a scared and annoyed tone.

"How could you?" She slurred over the phone.

"Charlotte?" I asked as I recognized that drunken voice before.

The phone went silent and then she hung up on me. I stared at it, trying to put the pieces together. I then put my phone on the side of my pillow and went back to sleep. I had to wake up early to catch my flight to meet Ryan in Vegas for their last show of their tour.

I put my sunglasses on as I exited off the airplane. I didn't want to be recognized by teenies who have lurked and searched me on myspace and what not. I've already been recognized twice at O'hare today. I grabbed my luggage from baggage claim and headed out the exit. I saw a skinny brown-haired boy wearing big sunglasses, waiting for me, occupied by his sidekick. I then felt my sidekick vibrate in my pocket, knowing he must have just texted me. I snuck up on him as he closed his sidekick.

"Ryan!" I screamed as I jumped on him.

I wrapped my legs around his tiny waist while wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt his hands grab my legs and twirl me around.

"Hi." I simply said as I raised my sunglasses on put them on the top of my head.

"Hi." He said back as I raised his sunglasses as well.

"I've missed you." I said.

"I've missed you too." he said back as I put our foreheads together.

He then pushed his lips against mine and made my heart melt even more as I kissed him back with a smile on my face.

"Erelin!" Amanda said as she saw me as we finally got inside the venue.

We had dropped off my stuff at Ryan's house and headed straight to the venue since they has sound check pretty soon.

"Hey!" I said as we hugged.

"I'll be back ok babe? I have sound check now." Ryan said as he kissed me on the cheek."

"Alright. I'll be right here." I said as I sat down next to Amanda by the table set up in one of the many rooms in the venue.

"Good. He's gone." Amanda said worriedly.

"What's wrong?"

"Charlotte showed up at the house yesterday."

"Oh God."

"Yea. Ryan came home last night, and she showed up right on time. She was trying to convince Ryan to get back together."

"Are you joking?" I asked.

"No. I swear. You can ask Pete when he's done listening to them. She kept saying that it was her fault and then Ryan was yelling at her. He then he slipped out he was marrying you."

"Crap." I muttered.

We swore that we wouldn't tell Charlotte. That she would find out on her own with out us telling her. We at least wanted to wait after the wedding.

"How did she take it?"

"She wasn't too happy. She was yelling and stuff. Ryan told her to get out. She said that she was going to find some way to get back together with him, even if she has to stop that wedding. I swear if she ruins my wedding day, I will be pissed." She said as she slammed her hand on the table.

"What's wrong?" Ryan said as he walked back in with Pete following him.

I looked over at him then back at Amanda.

"Nothing. A bug." Amanda said.

"Oh... ok." Ryan said as I felt his arms wrap around my neck.

I looked up and smiled at him. He kissed my lips and slipped his toungue in my mouth.

"Hey. Keep this G. Not XXX." Pete said.

I giggled as Ryan pulled apart.

"You're just jealous I did it first. Eww wait no. That's my sister." Ryan said.

I giggled as I smiled up at Ryan. I was worried on the inside though. I don't want my wedding day to be ruined. I don't want to lose him.