Like Vines, We Intertwine

New Faces

Chapter 5
(Ryan’s POV)
I sat there staring out the window as we approached New York City. I heaved a huge sigh and looked over at Spencer and Nikki. They looked so happy together.

“I wish Charlotte was here,” I thought as I stared back outside.

We drove for another 20 minutes before we arrived at the venue. There were already two buses there. We stopped and headed outside the bus.

“Hey you guys finally made it!” Bob from The Hush Sound said as he came out the bus.

“Hey,” Brendon said as he walked over to him and gave him a hug.

“And how was your ride here?”

“Exhausting. And what about your’s?”

“Meh. I thought ‘It’s ok to have one girl in the bus, but five?’ It gets pretty hectic with 4 girls in there.”

“Four?? I thought you just have Greta in there,” I asked curiously.

“Yea, we do, but we also have Chrissy, Darren’s girlfriend, Britt, Chris’s girlfriend, and Erelin.”

“Are you dating Erelin?”

“No. She’s one of Greta’s best friends. The three girls are here with us to be our merch girls. Oh, and speak of the devil,” Bob said as the rest of the group came outside the bus.

“Hey you guys!” Darren said.

“Hey! Are you ready for tonight??” Spencer said excitedly.

“Yup. Wait let’s introduce each other. This is Britt, Chris’s girlfriend…” He pointed to a girl about 5’5”, black hair that was long in the front and short in the back, black eyeliner, and wearing jeans and a Fall Out Boy T.

“…Chrissy, my girlfriend…” he said as he put his arm around a girl with dirty blonde hair, green eyes, was wearing jeans and black shirt that says “can’t sleep, clowns will eat me.”

“…and Erelin all by her lonesome self. They’re our merch girls,” Darren said as he pointed to a short girl with natural black hair, red highlights, brown eyes with heavy black eyeliner, wearing black paints with a red My Chemical Romance T.

“Chrissy, your boyfriend’s so sweet,” Erelin said sarcastically.

“What? It’s true,” Darren said.

She rolled her eyes and shifted her wait to the other side as she crossed her arms.

“Ok then. Well this is Elizabeth, my girlfriend, and Nikki, Spencer’s girlfriend,” Brendon said as he pointed
to the girls.

“Well, let’s get something to eat shall we?" Jon said.

Everyone agreed, but of course my emo self doesn't want to.

"You guys can go ahead... I'm not hungry."

Everyone bombared me with "Are you sure's."

"Yea... Don't worry about me," I said as I walked back to the tour bus.

I walked in and went to go lay in my bunk. I stared up at the ceiling, feeling so alone.

I reached underneath my pillow and grabbed a picture of Charlotte and Me. I stared at it and closed my eyes, drifting to sleep.