Like Vines, We Intertwine

You Look Familiar, Have We Met?

Chapter 7
(Ryan’s POV)

“Hey Ry?”

I woke up to Brendon calling me. I rubbed my eyes and got up from my bunk, but before I did that, I hid the picture of Charlotte and me.

“What’s up?”

I walked over to the front of the bus to see Brendon and Erelin standing there. Brendon pushed Erelin a little forward. He turned around and left.

“We thought you were hungry so we brought over some leftover Chinese,” Erelin said as she held out the food.

I hesitated for a moment, but my stomach was yelling at me to grab it.

“I didn’t do anything to it if that’s what you’re thinking.”

I grabbed the food and opened it. I didn’t care if it was cold. I grabbed a fork, sat down, and ate. Erelin sat across from me in the little kitchen bench we had on our bus.

“So how are you feeling? Are you ok?” Erelin asked.

“Hmmm Ok I guess,” I said as I continued stuffing my face.

“So how do you know Greta?”

“Greta, Chrissy, and I went to the same high school. We’re best friends. Then we met the boys through her.”

“Oh… Are you dating Bob?”

“NO!!! uhh.. sorry… no. I see him more as a big brother. How about you? Do you have a girlfriend back home?”

I looked up to her, then back at my food again.

“Not exactly… it’s a long story.”

“Oh… sorry for bringing it up.”

“Naw… it’s ok… it’s just…what?” I said as I looked at her with a confused face as she kept giggling.

“You have sauce on your face.”



Erelin grabbed a napkin from the table and wiped of the sauce that I tried to find with my tongue.


She smiled back as her thank you. She looked familiar… like I know her somewhere, and I just don’t know where. We sat there in a comfortable silence as I finished up eating. When I was done, I looked up to see her staring into outer space. She caught me staring at her and blushed.

“Oh my God,” I said as I realize something.

“What? What’s wrong Ryan?”

I ran to my bunk, grabbed my picture, and looked at it.


I looked up to see Erelin at the doorway, then I looked at the picture again.

“Are you ok?”

“Wow…” I said as I started to shake.

“Ryan… are you ok? Do you want me to get you something?” She asked as she touched my shoulder.

“Don’t touch me…”

“Ryan, what’s wrong? Did I…”

“Just get out!!!” I yelled at her.

I looked at her with a deadly stare. She looked at me like she was ready to cry. She turned around and ran out the bus without looking back.