Like Vines, We Intertwine

Pillow Fights Aren't Always Fun

Chapter 9
A week later...
Jon's POV

Tour has been awesome. I love hanging out with the gang. The Hush Sound is awesome. This is my first tour ever, and it has been awesome. Brendon got a black eye from Bob. It was funny because Bob tried to do a slam dunk, and his elbow collided with Brendon's eye. I miss Amber with all my heart. I wish she was here. I'm counting the days til she's gonna be on tour with me. Since she's not here, I've got my partner in crime, Erelin. She has been making this tour so much fun. A lot of people get mad at us when we plan out our schemes. Yesterday, we had a water gun fight. Let's just say Ryan wasn't too happy with that. We "accidentally" got him wet. And it didn't help that Ryan is still "mad" at her. I seriously don't understand what she did wrong. She's actually been through a lot. I think from everyone on tour besides the The Hush Sound crew, I'm the one who knows what she's been through. Her mom died when she was 12. She has two older sisters and a brother. Her brother died when he was a baby. Her brother would have been the oldest in the family. Her older sister then left home a couple months after mom died. She told me that the only person she had was herself. Then she had a boyfriend, but he ended up cheating on her with some stuck up bitch. That girl has been through a lot, and yet she has a smile on her face. I'm glad that I've gotten close with her. She's not that bad at all.

We were already at our next stop. We actually got here pretty early. I was lying in my bunk, just getting off the phone with Amber. I closed my eyes for a bit and felt a pillow hit my face.

"What the..."

I looked up to see Erelin, innocently holding a pillow. She flashed me an evil grin and ran off. I grabbed my pillow and threw it at her, causing her to some how fall. We started grabbing pillows from different bunks and throwing it at each other. Erelin picked something up from Ryan's bunk and looked at it.

"Oh my..."

I cut her off by throwing a pillow, square at her face.

"JON!" she yelled giving me a scared look.

"What's wrong?" I said as I walked over to her.

I looked over her shoulder to see a picture of Ryan and Charlotte.

"Who is this?" she asked.

"Charlotte... Ryan's ex-girlfriend."

"Are you sure her name's Charlotte?"

"Yea... why?"

"Are you sure it's not Maria?"

"Yea I'm sure it's Charlotte. What's wrong Er?"

"This is my sister," she said with disbelief

"Are you sure... the one who ran away."

"Yea... I would never forget that face."

"What is going on here?" a familiar voice said.

We both turned around to see Ryan in the door way. Ryan walked over to us and grabbed the picture out of Erelin's hands.

"Where did you get this?" he asked angrily.

Erelin just looked at him with a scared look on her face. It looked like she was hyperventilating. That's when I decided to talk.

"We were having a pillow fight as you can see by all the pillows everywhere, and this picture fell out of one the pictures."

"Psh... You were looking through my stuff weren't you?" Ryan asked, mainly to Erelin.

"No... I believe in privacy. I swear, the picture fell out of your bunk and I went to go put it back," Erelin pleaded.

"Whatever. Don't ever touch my stuff again."

"I'm sorry," she said quietly.

Ryan mumbled something that I couldn't hear. Erelin needs to tell him the truth. I think she was reading my mind because...

"Ryan, I hate to ask but, what's that girl's name?"

"Charlotte... why?"

"Are you sure it's not Maria?"

"No, it's Charlotte...why are you asking me? First of all it's none of your business, second of all, her name is Charlotte. Third of all... what are you doing?"

I looked over to see Erelin pulling out her wallet and looking through it. She then pulled out a picture and shoved it in Ryan's face.

"It is my business because that's my older sister who abandoned her broken family," she said as tears fell down her face.

She then turned around and left the bus.

"Erelin... wait..." I said as I called out to her.

She ran off faster.

I looked over Ryan's shoulder at the picture: it was a younger verision of Erelin and her sister.