Status: Finished

Navigate Me Through Your Body

Playing House.

Zack woke up that next morning, he expected to feel Harlow wrapped tight in his arms, but when his eyes fluttered open and he realized he was alone in the king size bed he furrowed his brows, pulling his self up. He could hear a low hum coming from the bathroom, it sounded like the local underground station.

"Har?" he called just loud enough to be heard over the music, her head poked through the door, a mascara wand in one hand, the tube in the other.

"Morning Zee," she said offering a soft smile, "sleep okay?" she asked as he walked past her, taking a seat on the closed toilet lid watching as she concentrated on her make up.

"I slept great, what are you getting into today?" she finished up twisting the tube back together and shoving it into the bright pink make-up bag.

"I have a doctors appointment," she said simply as she ran clear gloss over her plump pink lips.

"Need somebody to tag along?" he asked simply as he took in her appearance. She was wearing a simple cotton strapless dress. it was all white, her dark hair pulled back into a messy bun. It was simple, but she looked perfect.

"My moms coming, but thanks for the offer." she bent down kissing him on the cheek. "You need to start looking for a real estate agent today, you need to get that house on the market if you intend to sell, houses aren't exactly moving..." Harlow scolded, "that is, if you still intend to sell..." Zack stood up stretching.

"Yeah, I'll get on it. Any suggestions?" he followed her into her bed room watching her slip on a pair of flip flops and grab her purse, slinging it over her shoulder.

"I left you a business card in a magnet clip on the fridge, his name is Larry, I bought my house off of him." he listened as he followed her down the stairs. "Oh and don't forget, every body's meeting at Tuna Town tonight at 6:30 for dinner," she said turning to him before walking out the door. "See you then?" he nodded.

"I'm gonna meet up with the guys, were gonna see what kind of trouble we can get into, but yeah. I'll see you tonight..." he watched as she got in the navy blue Range Rover and pulled out of the drive way.


"Four!" Matt called swinging his club letting it make contact with the ball, as the group of men watched it fly of of sight.

"Seven!" Jimmy yelled being a smart ass as he mocked Matt swinging his club, letting the ball fly awkwardly sideways. Matt punched him in the arm as they all gathered, grabbing another beer.

"So let me get this straight," Brian choked out through his laughter. "the girl you're in love with, the girl who is carrying another mans baby? You two are shacking up and playing house?" all the guys cracked knowing smiles.

"We're not playing house," he sat bringing the green bottle to his lips, taking a rather large swig. The other four men burst into hysterical laughter.

"Oh yeah?" Matt pondered grabbing another driver from the bag, "Where'd you sleep last night?" Zack pursed his lips taking another drink. "You slept in her bed didn't you?" Matt asked, his smile only growing.

"Well at least you don't have to pull out now, I mean Jesus Christ, you can't get the girl double pregnant,"

"We didn't have sex," Zack mumbled rolling his eyes.

"Yeah right, and I'm the fucking king of England," Johnny spat rolling his eyes.

"How long do you plan up staying with Harlow? Until she kicks you out?" Zack just shrugged.

"Pretty much," he said simply.

"Well you two wont be sleeping together much longer, word on the street is, Aaron's about to promote her to wife," all the men started at him with open mouths, he just shrugged innocently. "what? I hear all the girl drama, Chelle tells me everything, but she promised me to secret," he snapped, pointing to all of them individually. "hes already ordered the ring and everything, Chelle said he really put out. She said its almost seven full karats,"

"you're fucking with me..." Zack said falling back into a random lawn chair. Brian shook his head.

"No, I guess hes gonna pull out all the stops, do it big. I think Chelle said something about Hawaii or some shit?" Zack just rolled his eyes. "Or maybe it was Vegas?" but he shrugged carelessly swinging his club making contact with the tiny white ball.

"I don't much care for the dude," Matt stated in a matter-of-fact manner, "but I'm glad hes stepping up and taking care of whats his," he tossed his empty bottle into the trash and grabbed another one.

"I'm with you there shads, but I know I speak for all of us when I say Jesus Christ Zack, I always thought you two would end up together," Zack glanced at Brian silently mouthing 'shut the fuck up'.

"Who guys!" Johnny called pointing at his watch. "If we don't leave now were going to be late for dinner and the girls will be pissed."

The boys all piled into Matt's black Suburban. The ride to Tuna Town was short, and once inside they gave their names to the hostess.

"Your party is already here, they're waiting for you!" she pipped excitedly grabbing an arm load of menus and escorting them through the crowded restaurant. But not a single one of the girls were paying attention, rather they were all gathered around Harlow gabbing excitedly. They all took their respective seats around the table. Zack sat between Syn and Harlow.

"So whats all this noise about?" Matt asked as Val produced a black and white picture showing it too him proudly.

"Meet baby sevenfold!" she squealed excitedly. Matt smiled examining the sonogram.

"Baby sevenfold? I like the sound of that!" He said passing the picture around.

"So whats the word on the squirt?" Brian asked as Michelle gushed over the film once again.

"We got to hear the heart beat today," Harlow said with a grin that ran ear to ear. "it was amazing, I have the video to show you guys..."

"We can't wait to see it!" Lacey gushed.

Brian watched Zack throughout this whole discussion, he knew they had a tendency to make a joke of most everything, but he could see his friend suffering. He knew Zack was miserable. But Brian also knew Harlow, and he knew something wasn't quite right about the situation...he was officially on the trail and with the help of his band mates he was going to get to the bottom of this mystery he had created for his self.
♠ ♠ ♠
You know what to do.
Thanks so much for reading:)