Status: Finished

Navigate Me Through Your Body

Get It Right.

Harlow's eyes clouded over with tears, her hands protectively holding onto her bump. Zack started to walk past Matt, but Matt held out an arm glaring at Zack. "I suggest you turn the fuck around and get out of here,"

"Harlow!" Zack nearly cried as his eyes too filled with tears. "I'm sorry!"

Harlow stood as still as a statue, her eyes blinking every few seconds, her tears becoming black with mascara. "I only did it to protect her," Harlow finally spoke, her voice hoarse, "I didn't want you to use her like I've let you use me all these years...I let it happen to myself, but I wouldn't let that happen to my child."

It was at that very moment Zack's heart broke, his lip trembled and he began to actually cry.

Matt looked between Zack and Harlow, they were two of the most important people in his life and it killed him to see them hurting.

He dropped his arm and stepped back, deciding he would let whatever needed to happen, happen.

Zack hurried to Harlow, taking her face gently into his hands pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I am so sorry, so sorry. I treated you so wrong." her blue eyes searched deep within his green ones, "Harlow I have been in love with you since...well since I was ten," he laid his hand on her stomach, rubbing softly. "you and this baby...that is my future, our future." he tried his very best to read her, but couldn't, "if you'll just let me be your future..." he mumbled softly. Her lip trembled, "please Harlow, please." she reached up laying a soft hand on his cheek.

"Promise?" she asked, her eyes welling up. He did his very best to smile as he took her into his arms.

"I promise," he mumbled, his mouth laying against her ear, "I promise,"


Matt was sunken into the couch, Val laying lazily at his side. The two had been watching the Lakers game, Matt had left Harlow and Zack to talk. They had been upstairs for a few hours at this point, and things had gone quiet.

But when foot steps descended the stairs, they paused the game looking over the couch to see Zack reaching for the door handle.

"You're fucking kidding!" Matt howled practically leaping from the couch, "Your punk ass comes here," he continued to shout, Zack glaring daggers at him as he crossed his arms over his chest. "you fuck her over and then you leave again? What did I tell you about hurting her?" he threatened.

"You done?" Zack snapped, his tone was hushed, "Harlow is upstairs asleep, I have to go explain this to my parents alright?" he snapped, Matt's face fell, "Harlow knows I'm going over there, but shes exhausted. I'm letting her sleep, I'll be back to get her and her stuff in a bit. Alright?" Matt rubbed at the back of his neck.

"Dude, I'm sorry. I just have this insane need to protect her-" Zack nodded cutting Matt off.

"I know dude," Zack huffed, running a hand through his hair, "I'll uh-...I'll be back." Matt nodded shutting the door behind him.

The drive from Matt's place to his childhood home seemed like the single shortest of his entire life, he was in no way looking forward to this. He knew his mother was livid with him she hadn't taken his calls, answered his texts and she was certainly not speaking to him, but she only knew a part of the story, so all that she knew was that Zack ruined his best friends wedding for his own selfish reasons. She had no clue about the baby. And Zack knew that no matter what he said, this was going to be the single hardest thing he would ever have to do.

He pulled into the driveway, putting the car in park and killing the ignition. He took a deep breath, hastily rubbing his face before walking up to the door. Knocking three times. He stood anxiously. His heart jumped into his throat when he heard the door open.

But he sighed with relief when he saw his younger brother Matt standing in front of him. He squinted as the bright sun his his delicate eyes. "Dude what are you doing here?" Matt questioned, looping his thumbs through the belt loops on his True religions. "I didn't know you and Mom were talking again..." Zack shrugged.

"Yeah, I came to talk to her. It's important," he mumbled.

"I wouldn't advise that..." he mumbled, fore warning his older brother.

"Look," he huffed, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans, "there's a lot more to this story than mom could even begin to fathom," Matt stepped to the side, motioning for Zack to come inside.

"her and Dad are in the kitchen," Matt mumbled, shutting the door behind them, Zack nodded as he headed for the kitchen, "I'll miss you," Matt mocked with a shit eating grin, "you were always my favorite sibling."

Zack rolled his eyes, but felt his stomach leap into his throat when he entered the kitchen only to see his parents sitting at the table reading the news paper, each with a cup of coffee in hand.

Both Marie and James glanced up at Zack, "Hey..."Zack mumbled, taking a seat at the table across from his parents.

"Zachary," James grunted, but Marie didn't speak. Instead anger burned rabid in her green eyes. She folded up her section on the paper and slammed it down before angrily leaving the table.

"So thats it?" Zack hissed, "You're not even going to listen to what I have to say?" Maria turned, glaring at him.

"What is there to say? You ruined your very best friend in the worlds wedding, and you have completely embarrassed this family Zachary!" she shouted, she began to pace back and forth across the hardwood floor. Zack stared at her for a moment. Trying to decided the best way to go about it. He decided he would do it quickly.

"That baby is mine." Maria's eyes went wide, and James coughed, pounding his fist a few times on his chest in an attempt to swallow his coffee.

"Oh my God, Zachary," she whispered, falling back into her chair at the table. "how is that possible?" Zack shrugged, dreading having to tell his parents this...

"Harlow and I have been having sex for years," Maria covered her mouth, "I was never man enough to tell her how I felt, so I just....took what I could get."

"You used her?" Maria more stated than asked, as her eyes began to fill with tears.

"I love her, and I am going to do this right." he stated, firm in his decision. "I'm going to marry her, and were going to get our own house, and have more kids. We may be doing this a little backwards, but I am in love with Harlow, and this is how things happened. But I am going to do everything in my power to get it right..."

The room went silent. James was the first one to speak, surprising everyone.

"Congratulations," he said, a soft smile playing over his aged face. "I love Harlow, and this may not be...traditional, but you two have finally figured out what we have all known for fifteen years..." Zack's cheek tugged up, a half smile playing over his plump lips. Instead of speaking, Marie moved form her chair, pulling Zack out of his, and took him into a tight hug.

"My baby," she mumbled, taking his face into her hands, "is having a baby..." Zack smiled, "your dad's right, this isn't traditional. But I am so happy...I love Harlow. And it this is what it took for you two to come together..." she just stopped, looking to James, "we have so much planning to do!" she cried out through a laugh, "we need to start baby proofing the house, and...a shower to plan,"

Zack smiled, his parents were right. This defiantly wasn't traditional, but it worked for them. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

But he only had a short amount of time to plan for his family. This baby would be here before they knew it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay Guys, I know this is short.
But I've gotten quite a few comments in the past few days for an update.
So here you go.
Comment? Please && Thank you for reading :]