I Will Follow You Into The Dark

Hot Tub

Los Angeles, California. Three o'clock in the morning. Dethklok had finished their show about two hours ago and the rest of the time until now had been used for talking to girls. Lots and lots of girls. As always, Skwisgaar had at least ten women in his arms, aging from nineteen to ninety. Murderface was chatting up a few ladies in the corner, while Pickles called his girlfriend with his dethphone to find her in the crowd of sex-crazed girls and brutal fans. Nathan Explosion had found his girlfriend and she was leading him back to where he was staying––his own room on the Dethbus, of course.

Then there was Toki. Toki Wartooth, the rhythm guitarist and second fastest guitarist alive. So he rarely got women. It wasn't that he wasn't up for it––he definitely was––but he was more childish and not as sex-crazed as the other members of Dethklok. It was normal for him to go to bed alone. It could be hard at times, but he had learned to accept the fact that he was usually the favorite band member of children, not ladies.

Toki climbed into the hot tub and sighed as the water relaxed his muscles. The tension, sweat, blood, shit and puke from the show let go of his skin, floating off to be filtered away. His bowl of candy was placed on a float in the tub with him so he could stuff his face whenever he wanted. Which, of course, was every twelve seconds.

The first band mate to arrive into the bus was Pickles, followed by his girlfriend Aimee. Her choppy blonde hair was set up in messy ponytails and they bounced slightly with every step she took. She waved to Toki with her hand that wasn't intertwined with Pickles'. He waved back happily as usual and shoved his mouth full of his endorsement candy.

"Heey, Toki, uh, can we use the hot tub in a little while? I got a killer pain in my shoulder and I need it out for tomarrow's show." Pickles, as usual, asked for the hot tub.

"Fine Pickle, but I gets it next time!" Toki exclaimed in his perky voice.

"Thanks for not being a douche bag." Pickles replied, closing himself into his room with Aimee shortly after finishing the sentence.

"Whatevuh." Toki mumbled to himself, eating a piece of candy that fell into the water.

A few minutes later, Toki was getting out of the hot tub and walking to his room when Murderface stumbled into the Dethbus with a woman. Toki didn't bother to look at her. There was a theme Murderface went with and most of the girls he found looked the same––tan skin, multiple piercings, and some sort of urine fetish.

"Isch Picklesh usching the hot tub, Toki?" Murderface asked, stumbling along with his girl.

"Yeah," Toki replied, walking into his small room on the Dethbus before Murderface could swear out Pickles.

Still damp with water, Toki collapsed onto his bed with his bowl of candy and almost instantly fell asleep. His lips curled into a smile as he got comfortable on his bed. Breathing even. Muscles relaxed. Everything was fine, calm, and quiet.

That is, until Skwisgaar came back. He had seven women with him and they were all drunk. He almost fell into the hot tub that Aimee and Pickles were inhabiting. In the process of not falling into the tub, one of the women dunked her leg into the tub and almost kicked Aimee in the head. Pickles grabbed her and pulled her towards him. It's not that they were annoyed with Skwisgaar or anything, they were used to it, it was just the women he picked up that were usually stupid.

"Watch it, ya douche bags!" Pickles yelled, making sure Aimee wasn't in harm's way.

"Shut up you dildos!" Skwisgaar replied, shoving his women into his room and shutting the door.

Toki, awake, snaked his hand up his bed to his stash of candy. He slipped a few pieces into his mouth before climbing under the covers and falling asleep finally.

I ams alone. Nothings here. Just white ands confusion. Iyes try not to gets scared like little chickens, but I hears somethings behind me. I turns around. It's a girl. A womans. She is de single most prettiests one Iyes haves ever seen. Her eyes are green like de grass, and her skin is like a porcelains doll. I sees a nose ring and it is shiny. De woman smiles at me and I feels different. I feels more happy than evers before. Who is de woman? I likes her. I likes her a lot.

Toki is woken up by Pickles. Once he's awake he feels as if he'd been asleep for only a minute, when he sees that it's daytime. Toki has slept ten hours, into the afternoon.

"C'man, dude, let's go." Pickles said, walking back into the main part of the Dethbus.

"Wheres we goings to?" Toki sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Uh, wherever, man. We got like six or seven hours until the show." Pickles replied, sitting down with Aimee on the couch.

Toki crawled back onto his bed into a comfortable spot. "Well dens I am going backs to sleeps a little."

That's exactly what he did. Toki slept for two more hours, his mind wandering and stumbling over memories until it came across the most recent one––the girl. Toki had no idea who she was and what she did, or if she even existed, but it's who he wanted. And he would find her even if it killed him.
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I am well aware that there probably aren't rooms on the dethbus... but it's a work of fiction based on fiction. So screw it. I hope you liked it.