Love After Death

Two Drunk Teens

The two seemed likd they were having the time of their lives, dinking and laughing with eachother.
They both stopped and sat down on the ground, in front of a polished, dapple-grey grave.
"Do ya 'ink R-Ryan ish in a betteh place?" the girl asked in a drunken slur.
His head snapped over to the two teens at the sound of his name. Why would they be talking about him? Do they know him? Does he know them?
"Donno," the guy responded. "Maybe, maybe not."
Ryan moved closer to the two, making sure to stay hidden in the shadows.
"But he's better there than here," the guy stated. He didn't see as drunk as the girl. He could at least sting a sentance together.
Ryan slowly crept closer to get a better look at their faces. He made sure to stay out of spots where they would see him if they looked his way.
But a twig snapped under his feet. He looked down to see a broken twig under his feet, that, oddly, were now bare. Ryan could have sworn he had worn shoes here.
Ryan looked up and was horrified to see that both were looking in his rection. The moon was shinning on their faces. Ryan could make out their facial features perfectly now. The girl had a round face, pale skin-but that could have just been from the moon-, dark eyes that were glazed over, and long, dark hair that fell down onto her back.
The guy, on the other hand, had a tough face, small dark eyes that seemed to hold no emotion, short, light hair and a chubby face.
Ryan reconized the girl immediatly. He, after all, had grown up with her for the most part of his childhood. She was his best friend, the one person who seemed to understand him, and the one person at that school who never made fun of him for being a foster child. She, too, knew what it was like to be constantly moving, living out of duffle bags and always having the lonley, unloved feeling deep down.
"D-id ya hear th-at, Joey?" she asked while hiccuping.
"Yeah," he answered. "It seemed to come from right here-" he pointed to Ryan. "-but there is no one there."
Ryan was puzzled at this. How could they NOT see him?
"What do ya mean?" she seemed to have sobbered up quickly. "Th-there is someone there. An-and he looks like... RYAN!"
"What the hell are you talking about?" he said, he temper rising. "Not one thing is there. Not even Ryan!"
"YES!" she fought. "He's standing right there-"she pointed to where Ryan was. "-in a hospital gown, no shoes, and he looks the same as the day he-he-"she trailed off slightly, afraid of saying he was dead. "-with a look of confusion on his face."
"Oh, come on, KiKi!" he said, annoyed at KiKi's actions. "You don't see anything. It's just the booze. You're halucinating."
"No! I ain't lyin'!" she yelled. "He is there, I ain't stupid!"
Ryan didn't know what to do. He was scared to even move. Should he run? Or stay and listen? ANd why couldn't Joey see him?"
"I ain't sayin' you're stupic!" Joey defended. "I'm just saying you're seein' things."
"Oh, well that makes me feel loads better!" said KiKi sarcastically, standing quickly and stumbling away from Joey, twords Ryan.