Heaven Help Us

Down your voice I hear you've been bleeding

"..My Chemical Romance's I'm Not Okay."

"Excuse me m'am, it's time."

"Do you mind giving me a moment?"


The nurse left. As you can probably tell, I'm in the process of leaving the hospital. I was here for slitting my wrists because the pain of him was too great. Saddly I'm not dying.

"...it's tragic with a capital 'T'."

Dear Gerard,

You were and still are my greatest achievement in life. If you looked over me that one faithful day back in Senior year of high school, I woulden't have made it this far. For that I am grateful. I'll always be watching over you and supporting you in everything you do. I'm glad to hear that your dream of having a band came true. I love you and it will never change. You know what they say...Heaven Help Us.


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I've made a huge turn-around. Depression still plagues my life, but I don't let it get the best of me. I work at a company called Reprise Records. I go on tour with bands and do merch and other pitiful jobs. I AM NOT A GROUPIE!!!

A lot of people ask me that and just to make it clear, I've decided to say it.

"Oh hello, who are you?"
"Andie. And you are?"
"Brian. Brian Schecter. Are you the girl that's supposed to be going on tour to do merch?"
"Yea. It's Warped."
"Okay just making sure the band is excited." He left out of my office. Fun! I'll be another "groopie". "Oh and by the way, the band is My Chemical Romance."
