Dance to This Beat

A New Place

He yanked my wrist and we teleported to the front door of a huge manor - mansion looking house? Well I had no idea what to call it. I quickly tried to look for a street sign for the whereabouts of my location. No street signs. No houses. Just my luck.

"If your trying to find some sort of location sign so someone could come and rescue you, well you won't so don't even try.", the guy said. I'm saying guy cuase I had no idea what his name was. What a genteman he thought he was.
He grabbed my wrist even tighter and opened the door to the manor. Immediatly two girls, almost dressed like maids, quickly ran to his side.

"Welcome back sir", the red head said, helping him with his jacket while the other took mine. Then he turned to face me.
"Follow me Alex."
So I did as he commanded. I would have been a rebel and said no, but knowing his power, it most likely wouldn't work. As we were walking up the stairs, he broke the silence.

"I'm Peter Wentz. You are to adress me as Sir or Mr. Wentz"
"Yes sir."
"See, you already got the hang of it. There are 12 other girls in this house, so you are my luck 13. You are to do what I say. Don't try to get contact out of here because cell service is not available. The phones in this house will only work to call one of my aquaintances, it wont work for 911 or anyone you know. Adress my guests as Mr. so and so. You serve their needs as well. And no talking to any of them."
"Yes sir"

We walked down one of the many halways on the 3rd floor.
"My room is down there", he pointed to the huge double doors at the end of the hallway. We began walking again and stopped at the third door on the right.
"This will be your room. You're lucky. Your's and Kay's rooms are the only ones connected. The other girls are mainly seperated. She will show you what to do."

He opened the door to a very french, classical, victorian, room. It matched the house very well. The walls were a deep dark red color. It had a queen sized bed with dark purple covers. Nice size closet, which is usefull but hello, I wasnt prepared for this. It wasnt like I packed all my clothes and stuff and waited to be attacked by a vampire. It also had a small bathroom with a shower, tub, sinks, mirror, anything a bathroom would have. It also had a small desk, not usefull as to who and how the hell was I supposed to write a letter. No contact allowed. I guess you could say it was like a hotel room, but not really.

"You have Sundays off. You dont need to serve that day. If you missbehave, there will be consequenses."
He lifted my chin with his cold skinny finger and looked me in the eye and said,
"Your a good girl so maybe there will be rewards". He planted a small kiss on my lips.

I don't want to know what the reward is ...

He knocked on what I believed was Kay's door.
"Ms. Johnson please show the new one what to do and such." He stormed out of the room. Kay and I heard him say, " Ugh! I'm having such a migrain! Jessica, where is my drink?!"

"Like that's gonna help", I said.
Me and kay just giggled.

"Hi. I'm Kay Johnson"

"Alex Morrisan", I replied shaking her hand.

"Everythings gonna be ok. Just do what he says and you'll be fine. I remember my first day. I understand how you feel. You'll get through all of this."

"I'm actually not that worried. I just left so many things behind. I'm gonna miss it all."

"It'll be alright."
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Yeah 2nd Chapter!!! Ok will you rate, message, comment? How about any banners? I could really use some of those!