Dance to This Beat

The Work Plan

"Well first you have to change out of your clothes and into the, well I don't know exactly what to call it, but I guess servant girl dress. He designed it. It's actually not that bad either. It's a good lenth and its not revealing or anything so. Well I'll be back in five minutes so you can change."

When she left, I slipped on the dress and put on some black ballet flats. I folded my clothes and put them in my dresser. Then Kay had came back, just as she had promissed, and started to explain things to me. I was listening a little but not that much, but I think she noticed that I wasn't paying attention.

"Well usually our duties of the day are to basically clean the house, do the laundry, prepare the food, and to cater to his every whim. But as he probably told you, Sundays we have off. We can basically do what we like. There are so many rooms in this house that I really dont like listing them all but I'm sure you'll explore sometime. Oh and I almost forgot. Your clothes. You can look online for them, and just tell him what you would like, and he'll order them for you. Sadly, not to burst your bubble but you cant access e-mail, aim, or any form of chat device to contact anyone."

"Wow. He's thought of everything. What does he do on sundays?"

"Sleeps, works in his office, stuff that he would usually do. Sometimes he might join us and the other girls every once and a while. So.... any questions?"

"Nope. All good here."

"Ok well he told me you and I could work together so just follow me."

Basically the day was just like Kay had said it would be like. Our fantazmical team of Kay and I cleaned the guest rooms where I guess Pete's friends had stayed. Around 7 we had dinner with the other girls, after we served Pete his dinner. After dinner, we headed back into our rooms. I slipped on PJ's that Kay had let me borrow untill Pete ordered some of my own. Then Kay had invited me to her room for about an hour. We talked about our families and where we lived and stuff. It was like having a roommate or a sister. Someone that you could spill out all you emotions to and stuff. It was kinda like a sleep over. After that, I returned to my room and went to sleep, which i desperatly needed. This is gonna be a long week. No wait sketch that. Lifetime.
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Tried a new way of setting up the dialougue. let me know if its better than the other ones