Dance to This Beat

On Sunday Morning

I woke up in the morning. It was Sunday, so luckilly (if thats even a word), I had today off. Kay had lent me some clothes for the mean time so I chose a graphic tee (volcom to be exact) and nice pair of grey skinny jeans. Right as I was about to head out the door there was a small envelope. It was from Pete asking me to see him in his office.

I did as it said and headed down the staircase, to the left and then to the right, and knocked on the big door.

"Come in Alex", he said.

I opened the door and sat down in the chair on the other side of his desk. I actaully was very comfertable even though there was a vampire that could easily kill me in a milisecond. He was writing in some sort of book and put it away.
"So, How have you been? Taking it all in?", he asked me.

"Very well sir."

"Thats's good. I understand that you probably missing your family and friends. If you want I could send someone to get you something of yours from your old life."

That was it. Old Life . Reality hit me right then and there. I wouldn't be able to see my good friends like Jess and Matt. I never got to say goodbye. And what about my family? Won't they realize I'm gone?

"Oh about that. They won't exactly realize you gone. It's hard to explain and that's really the most simple way I can put it. Many of the other girls here got used to this after a week or so. See they all had problems in life, causing them not to miss it. That's why your here."

What does he know about me? What is he talking about?

By now he had his hands on the arms of my chair, right be hind me.

"I know about him, Alex", he whispered in my ear and sent chills up my spine.

Has he been stalking me? What else does he know about me? How on earth does he know about him?
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any feedback, comments, questions? well u can message me too. lol. i really appreciate people who like to read / and or write so yah pass on the story!!