Dance to This Beat

Fuzzy Feelings

The next couple days were fine. Pete was trying to get to know me better. And sometimes...... I was too. I noticed I was starting to have feelings for him in ways that I haven't felt in a long time. I started to enjoy his company around me and I don't really know. That was just it. It felt so wrong, but yet it was so right.

Later that week I had gotten my photo album, just as he promised he would get it for me. I ended up showing him that Sunday the pictures in it and stuff about them. It felt like the whole time that his eyes were on me, but for some reason, I shook it off because I didn't mind it at all. I was starting to think I may like it here more than I anticipated that I would.

After dinner, I had traveled into my room and on a surprise I found a vases full of white roses everywhere. I saw a small not aside one of the vases.
' you know you like it '

I immediately knew it was him. That made me smile a whole lot. I noticed for the majority of the time here, when I ever did smile, it was mainly with him.

The smell of the roses was so intoxicating. They smelt so beautiful just like he does .
I went out of my room to try and find him. As I was searching I bumped into him and almost fell. But, thanks to him, he quickly grabbed me by the waist and helped me up.

"Thanks mister lifeguard."

"Like the flowers?"

"I was actually just about to look for you so I could thank you so much for them. They made me smile. Thank you."

"Your welcome."

"Yea, that meant a lot to me."

I gave him a quick hug and he quickly embraced it. He felt so good, and so cold. His touch made me shiver as if I was on ice.

"You're so cold. Can I ask why?"

"We're dead. That's why. But I do know a way to get warm."
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hey 7th! lol. I never got this far on quizilla cause well, people were very rude and i didnt want to update. Now on here I wanna do it all the time lol. just for how aweshum this site is and how amazing you guys are, Im updating more often AND possible more today. Yah, im actually gonna update again right after this. Thank you guys for sooo much. I feel as though everyone here is like one big family cause everyone is so nice.

I decided I wasnt going to ask for comments and messages, even though I like them verrrry much, but I feel like its up to the reader if they want to lol. So im free and open to any questions comments and messgaes, but im not gonna ask people to do that anymore cause I feel like im making them :P anyways, have a great life people xD