Writing Words To The Music In Her Head

A Drunken French Man

The past week was very... mediocre. I was beginning to believe that Lucy and Johnny was stalking me and Frank. What a bummer y'know... At least someone liked us enough to stalk us.
And no one had shoved me into any locker yet, even though I'd had some awkward conversations about my clothing style. People asked where I got those clothes, what kind of bands it was which name was printed on my t-shirt.
People actually leaved me nasty comments like 'go to hell, punk' and stuff, but I didn't really mind. I was used to that.

So, as the School-week finally came to its end I felt exhausted. We had more homework than I could handle, it was even worse than our last School.
And by the way, my room was turning out nicely. My precious posters where up and I had a big mirror beside my desk. It looked the way I wanted it to, and my CD-player was safely seated on my desk, with all my CD's shuffled around on it. I loved to just lie in my bed and listen to music.

This night me and Frank had decided to go to a show. We wanted to explore the clubs around here and get to know the music. We had no idea what this place was, but we had heard about some band called 'Sword' or something, which was a supposed punk band. What was punk in California? Well, that was what we where going to find out.

I wore a pair of red skinnies and a big Ramones tee-shirt. Yeah, I had to tell you that. And by the way, my hair wasn't to cry about today. Frank took some time to make me look like I just woke up. It takes time to get that look, trust me.

Just as me and Frank where heading out the door, our dad stopped us.
”Where are you going?” he asked.
He seemed very suspicious.
”I've already told you”, Frank said. ”I'm taking Sarah to one of those punk rock shows of hers. I'm only going to make sure she gets back tonight.”
Frank could really pull the 'I'm the greatest and most responsible son in the world'-role off. I was surprised. At the same time I was a little sad about the fact that he didn't dare to tell dad that he was into the exact same music as I was.
”Oh... alright, then”, dad said. ”But don't do anything stupid, alright?”
”We won't”, Frank assured him. ”I got my eyes on here.”
I wanted to scream in their faces that I wasn't some kind off retard. I could take care off myself! But if I brought that up in a moment like this, he wouldn't let us go to the show.

Frank and I sat down in the car.
”I'm sorry”, Frank said.
”You're just saying that shit to save our butts, right?” I asked.
”Yeah”, he replied. ”I don't want dad to worry about us, either.”
”I know... He'll know that you've got an awesome taste in music someday, anyway.”
”Yeah, when you're the world's most famous drummer”, I smiled.
He glanced at me.
”Yeah, now I'm just an unknown kick ass-drummer”, he grinned. ”I'll have to get in a band soon or else the world might never hear my awesome beat.”
I smiled. My brother was an awesome drummer, but thank God that you couldn't hear his insane jams from the basement.

We attended the show right on time. They were just letting people in and people where getting warmed up.
We didn't want to get in to any moshpit or be in the front row, so we sat down by the bar. We just wanted to hear what kind off music scene this was, and we had never heard this band before.
I really hoped I'd enjoy myself. I hated to be the one ruining Frank's mood, and just be grumpy all night. It was the last thing I wanted.

It was actually two bands that played that night. The first one was some band called 'Green Day' or something, but their drummer fucked up time and time again so I didn't really pay attention.
”I'd beat his ass”, was Frank's comment.
Green Day was soft, I could tell. They had just one good song, in my opinion. I had no idea what it was called or anything, but I didn't want it to end.

Then there was that band, Sword. They where awesome! I decided to buy their record immediately and did. They where just some local band, but they sure rocked. I was sure they'd go down in history, I just knew it.
Frank liked them too, but he said he really liked Green Day better. Their drummer sucked, but he thought that he could imagine what their songs would be like if he didn't. I nodded. Frank had always had the better music-ear. I only heard what was brought up. I couldn't twist the song into something different. I just wanted to listen.

After the show, there was some sort of party. That was new for me and Frank, back in Jersey we hadn't stayed at stuff like that. I had never been to a real party.
Frank and I stayed in the bar, none of us was real dancer. We actually enjoyed ourselves. The bartender was really cool, even though he couldn't give us anything to drink. We were underage, remember?
“Yeah, those Green Day guys are going to kick their drummer out”, he said. “I know them. I think that guy fucks up because wants to get kicked out or something. He's really not that bad.”
I nodded. Maybe Frank was right, maybe Green Day was a real kick ass band. I smiled to myself. I loved seeing small local band. Then you could see and discuss if any of them would break through. It was really interesting. I was sure Sword would eventually be one of the world's largest bands.

“Hey, are you fans?”
I turned around and saw a blond, skinny guy with some strange outfit. I couldn't recognize which band he was from.
“Which band are you from?” I asked.
He giggled and swung a beer.
“I'm Mike”, he said. “The bassist from Swee... Green Day.”
He smiled.
“So, did you like us?” he asked.
“I liked all except your drummer”, Frank said.
“Yeah, he fucking sucks!” Mike exclaimed and swung another beer.
Was he going to get pissed?

Our conversation continued as Mike drank more and more. Eventually, he was really drunk. I hated drunks, but Mikey was kind off funny. He was a good guy.
“I... I think we sh-should go out some time”, he told me. “C'mon... Je m'appelle Mike.. You like French, huh?”
I laughed.
“If your brother lets you, then?” He wiggled his eyebrows. “That'd... Frank, that'd be... Tré cool! Really. C'mon!”
“Tré cool?” Frank snorted. “What the fuck?”
“Tré is actually...” Mike burped. “Tré's very in French. Just so you kn-know.”
“Alright, you're allowed to take my sister out”, Frank giggled.
I stared at him.
“That's tré cool, man!” Mike exclaimed. “You're tré cool. Fr-from now on I'll call you Tré Cool.”
“Whatever, man”, Frank smiled.
I laughed. This was crazy-talk, but I liked it. I always thought that band members where nonchalant and didn't care about their fans, but Mike was really cool. I wondered where the other Green Day-guys where. Maybe Mike was the only cool one of them, I didn't know.

We had to carry Mike out of the club. He was so pissed that he could barely stand up straight.
“Thanks so fucking much, Tré”, he giggled. “And thanks to you too, my girlfriend. My beautiful girlfriend!”
I rolled my eyes.
“Hey there's Billie!” he said. “Hey... Billie! Billie!”
The guy before us turned around and grinned. I couldn't really see what he looked like in the dark, but he made a good impression on me anyway.
“Alright, c'mon, Mike”, he said and we let go of him. “Thanks for taking care of him.”
Billie giggled.
“Anytime”, Frank smiled. “I'm Frank.”
“I'm Billie”, he said. “As you might now by now...”
“He's not Frank!” Mike said in a high-pitched tone. He seemed stressed. “He's Tré Cool!”
Billie raised an eyebrow.
“Okay... Well, we gotta go now, Tré...”, he smiled. “I'll see you around.”
Frank nodded and they went to their tour bus. I laughed loudly when I saw it. It said 'Book Mobile'. This band was all except cool, how the fuck did they get a book mobile to take them anywhere?

“Let's go, Tré”, I said and we sat down in the car.
“Not you too”, Frank sighed.
“It kind off fits you, y'know”, I said. “Frank was never a good name for you.”
“Sure...”, he said.

It felt good to have gone to the show. Maybe this Mike actually would ask me out some time... Most guys simply forgot about me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter.. I know. Go ahead and hang me.

The medal of the chapter goes out to Mike... I mean, come on! He came up with 'Tré Cool' and now the confusion with who the fuck Frank was (if there was any) is gone!

Let me know what you think!
