Break Me

  1. Save me
    ummm.........It's an abuse story.
  2. Cut Me
    Jaden is back!
  3. Play Me
    Jaden plays guitar for his little sister (how sweet!)
  4. Kiss Me
    Flash back- Jaden discovers he is gay
  5. Love me
    What happens when Jaden decides to talk to Pattyn about what happened that night at the party?
  6. Understand me
    When Jeremy sees Pattyn and Jaden kiss, passion ignites as Jaden realizes how much Jeremy really loves him.
  7. Fight me
    When Jeremy find out about Jaden getting beaten, what is his reaction?
  8. Read me
    Jaden writes a new poem for Jeremy, and discovers the sweet quiet girl next to him has a secret.
  9. Write me
  10. Listen to me
  11. Almost okay
    I ran out of two word titles that end in me. lol
  12. I want to help!
  13. Platonic
  14. We love you, J-Bear!