Break Me

Listen to me

When class was over, I hurried out into the hall, determined to get to class without seeing Pattyn or Jeremy. Unfortunately, they seemed determined to find me. I saw Jeremy coming down the hall, my little god. Right now he looked like the god of anger, an expression on his face that I had never seen before. Still, to me, he was the god of beauty. What in the world had I done? He wasn’t prepared for this. He veered for me, and I went out of my way to go around him. I failed. He stood right in front of me, black eyes deep and impenetrable. Pattyn came to a stop beside him, but she made no move to come towards me. Something clicked inside Jeremy, and he moved his hand.
It came swinging-full force- into my face. I staggered backwards, shocked. The last thing I saw before my head cracked into the pavement was his face, rigid with shock and anger.
My last thought was his name. Jeremy.

I came around. I sat up groggily, and the nurse pushed my head back onto the papery pillow.
“You hit your head quite hard,” she said, and gave me a pill to swallow. I took the glass of water and swallowed the pill quickly.
“The boy who hit you is going to be in quite a bit of trouble,” she commented. I was overcome with panic. This wasn’t right. He had hit me, yes. It was my fault. Everything was my fault. He shouldn’t be punished for it. I grabbed the nurses uniform.
“Listen to me,” I said roughly. “You mustn’t let them punish him. It’s my fault. My fault.” With that, my bout of strength was over, and I collapsed back onto the pillow, closing my eyes. I still had Jeremy’s note in my hand.
“Could you do me a favor?” I asked her without opening my eyes. She paused, then said yes.
“Give this to him. Don’t read it,” I ordered. I didn’t say his name, but she knew who I was talking about.
“Of course.” She patted my hand and then I heard her walk out.
“Jeremy?” came her voice. I heard a crinkling of paper as she gave it to him, and he unfolded it.
“Thank you,” he whispered to her.
“Your quite welcome, dear,” she said, and walked away.
“What is it?” came Pattyn’s voice.
“A poem,” he told her quietly. His voice was laced with emotion- I just couldn’t tell what emotion it was from here. The anxiety I had been feeling melted away, and I drifted into exhausted sleep, satisfied that they would soon (hopefully) understand.
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