Break Me

Almost okay

I came too again, and the first thing I saw was Pattyn’s blue eyes. Pattyn. She was here. When she saw that I was awake, she quickly looked away. She wouldn’t meet my gaze. I looked around for Jeremy, but he wasn’t here. Pattyn still wouldn’t look at me.
“Pattyn, why are you mad at me?” I blurted out.
“Didn’t you feel my lock my arms around you?” she sang under her breath, sounding amazingly like Avril Lavigne. Pattyn was very talented. “Why did you turn away?” with that she got up and turned to leave.
“I’m sorry Pattyn,” I said. “So sorry.”
Without turning, she said “Me, too,” and left the room. I sank back onto the paper bed as a wave of depression threatened to overcome me.
Jeremy was gone, and possibly in trouble for something that was really my fault. Of course, I couldn’t tell them why it was my fault, or they would make me talk to the psychologist.
Pattyn had left. She was angry because in my confusion, I had pushed her away.
Now I wanted her back, and I didn’t know if that was possible.
I tried to push the thoughts away, and just relax there. My time here was sure to be short.
I was right.
Just as I had managed to relax, and almost forget, the nurse came in.
“Honey, you’ve been in here long enough,” she said, taking the ice compress that had been lying on my head when I was unconscious.
“I can’t stay any longer? I don’t feel so well.”
“I don’t think that has anything to do with your injuries, hon,” she replied.
I stared at her for a moment, dumbfounded. Was it possible she knew what had really happened between me and Jeremy? Could she know that he was my boyfriend?
She crossed my name off on her list, then helped me up.
“I’m afraid you have detention, hon. We reviewed your schedule, and we know you skipped class today,” she said.
“So did your friend, the one who hit you, so he’s got detention too. We’ll make sure you are put on the opposite side of the table,” she assured me.
My heart dived to the bottom of my chest, but at the same time I was elated. Maybe we could work this out.
“No, no, it’s alright. He’ll be on his best behavior,” I said quickly.
She gave me an odd look, but decided not to say anything. I got up anxiously, and let out a sigh of relief when I saw Jeremy and Pattyn standing outside. Neither of them would meet my gaze.
“Come on,” said the burly security guard who was standing beside Pattyn.
We reluctantly turned to follow him outside into the blistering heat to the detention tables. People stared at us as we walked out to the front of the lunch room to the table.
Jeremy turned to me and whispered, “It’s going to be okay,” and smiled at me.
I smiled back at him, relieved that he was talking to me again. Having heard him whispered, Pattyn turned and smiled at me too. I smiled at her as well, and sat down at the table.
Jeremy sat down next to me, and firmly took my hand under the table.
I smiled, and I knew things were Almost okay between us.
♠ ♠ ♠
Things are slowly getting better. But whats going to happen when Jaden asks his dad for permission to go to Lia's? And will he endanger Emily by taking her along?

Thanks so much too all my readers. I know my numbers are dwindling as I write more, but I owe so much to those who stay loyal.
You are what pushes me to write more. (that, and boredom. lol)
So PLEASE comment.